Gumdrops & Cigarettes

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Harry loved Alex. He really did.

They had been together for 3 years. And yeah Alex did forget their anniversary sometimes and slapped Harry and called him names.
Harry still loved him.
Alex cared for him. He nearly always bought Harry flowers after he'd hurt him and he'd always kissed his bruises better.
It didn't matter to Harry that he had to go through a little pain for Alex because he always got treated like gold the day after.

He walked around their quaint, two story house with a duster in his right hand and a medical textbook in the other. He always liked having the house clean for when Alex came home because he was always praised for his work.

He was doing online courses in medicine as Alex thought it was better for him to stay at home rather than go to college as he was uncomfortable in crowds and wasn't great with people. Harry didn't mind staying at home, he'd rather be in the comfort of their house than some huge lecture hall with hundreds of people.
As he was dusting, he came across one of his favourite pictures of Alex and him. They were at a fair that was in town and Alex had won Harry a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. Harry was beaming in the picture and Alex had a proud smile on his face while he was looking at Harry, the teddy, which Harry named Gumdrop, sandwiched between them. It didn't matter that the day before the photo was taken Harry was on the ground crying his eyes out while Alex repeatedly struck him with his hand.
Alex has always told Harry to forgive and forget and Harry always listened to what Alex said. And so that's what Harry has been doing for the past three years; forgiving and forgetting. It's working pretty well as they're still here, strong as ever and in love.
Harry places the picture back on the dresser, a fond smile grace his lips and continues dusting until there's not a speck to be seen over the pristine house.
He walks to their small, old fashioned kitchen, a tune stuck in his head and starts to make Alex's favourite dinner; sweet and sour chicken.
The front door slams, just when Harry's finished plating the food and Alex walks in. Alex looks disheveled but that's probably only because he's had a hard day at work.
His brown eyes search the house for Harry and when he finally sees him, he walks over to him and wraps his arms around Harry's waist and kisses his neck. Harry breathes in Alex's scent; old cigarettes and the cinnamon gum he always chews. Harry sighs a breath of relief as he knows there will be no tears shed tonight.
Alex stops and Harry frowns at the lose of contact.
"Are you hungry? I've just finished making your favourite." Harry asks Alex.
Alex, being the sex addict he is replies "I'd much rather be in bed with you."
Harry just nods and walks up the creaky stairs, to their bedroom. Harry doesn't want to have sex but he can't say no to Alex because then he'll get mad and hurt Harry.
Alex's footfalls tell Harry that he's coming up the stairs, so he puts on his best smile.
And even though Harry didn't want to have sex, he was pleased with himself for the look on Alex's face when he nodded.
That's how they spent that night, Alex's moans echoed throughout the house and Harry's cries to stop after the third round went unheard.

So? That's the first chapter of the story. I think I did alright.
Anyways vote and comment!

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