✧E P I L O G U E✧

Começar do início

"Okay I will"

"Now if you ever need any money just phone one of us and we will transition anything, I mean anything"

"I know uncle will, but thanks. I think with my job I won't be struggling" I got hired at the campus coffee shop last Friday and I got my own apartment, just need to buy furniture when I'm there. But I'll just ask my cousin to help me.

So here I was saying my goodbyes and boarding the flight to Australia. Saying goodbye to good times and bad times I've had in this state alone. I hope Australia isn't like that.

I should write to them when I land, it may take a month to get to them but I'm not permitted to write anymore after that. My therapists last request before our sessions stopped as I was cured of my illness.

I can finally move on then.


"I'm twenty two and I can drink dumbass" my first night at a dorm party and let me tell you it's amazing, I'm still known as the newbie though. But it's better than being a pathetic kid when I first came here.

"C'mon Luke, loosen up man!" My friend Jack spoke. He was clearly drunk but the smartest in my profession so I just kissed his ass you could say just to be friends with him. He's one hell of a party animal. He definitely isn't a light wait. He's seems to always be tipsy though never drunk? In all the party's we've been to together.

But that's not the point. The point is I don't think about them anymore, and I've moved on.
My Aunt visited last year for last time since it was getting expensive and all so I go over during summer or anytime there is a break since I have savings now. Thank fuck. I'm no longer a waiter in that coffee shop on the campus I work at a bar on the east side near my cousins. Not that far, thirty minute walk from the campus or a ten minute drive from my apartment.

Life got so much better once I moved here. Reconnecting with old mates of mine back in the early stages of high school and middle school.

I've hooked up with hottest girl on the campus so many times people think we're dating now, so that's a thing. My life is a-o-Kay.


"Luke, slow down babe." Astrid was always a tease, she liked to take it slow. As for me I just wanted it to be over with it as soon as it started.

"You know what-" I got up from the bed and pulled my underwear off the floor.

"I'm not feeling up for it tonight-" I threw her t-shirt to her and tried to find my black jeans and phone in amongst her laundry that had just pilled on her bedroom floor underwear included.

Not that I can complain my apartments no cleaner than hers. I just get busy or to tired to tidy up sometimes. The only person that comes over anyway is jack and Alex and sometimes the dominos delivery man for dinner of course but all in all that's it.

"What the fuck Luke!?. Do you not want me anymore?. Is that what your saying.!" She threw a hissy fit for no reason. I'm just not feeling up to having sex right now.

"No Astrid-look I'm just tired tonight and I have work in the morning so I have to prepare the bar for tomorrow night. It's gonna be a killer to get home if I don't go now"

"Fine Luke be a jerk, come Saturday night don't call looking for a booty call when your drunk out of your head"

"Ash?..."god can she let me speak.

"-No!, you got a left hand. Use it jerk!" and she pushed me out of the apartment throwing my keys and my shirt after me. Guess I'll have to come back for my shoes on Sunday.

She'll calm down. Eventually.

So here I am walking over to my parked car and driving down the humid streets of Melbourne back to my apartment.

I'm hungry I should probably just get something in a drive through.

But what to get.

Then out of nowhere my phone is buzzing nonestop, it's two am in the morning for them
what does my Uncle Will want, it's probably nothing I'm sure.

"Hello, whats up Uncle will" I say into the phone taking a left to McDonalds.

"Aunt Kate wanted me to say this to you, but. It's really important..." why did he sound so distance. Did something happen to aunt Kate.

"What's wrong?, is Aunt Kate okay?"

"Hey she's fine. Luke I don't know how to tell you this but..."

"But what?. What is it Will?" My stomach was turning more than the wheels on my car.

"The boys are out." And I just about near drove into a wall...


I finished this at 12:59 am on the 9th of April 2018 and I'm so happy :).

My last chapter on this book, I've loved writing this and I hope you like reading it. I'm so happy of how it's turned out. But I kinda left it on a Clifford hanger cliff, sorry auto correct did that XD 😂

Ps I only do XD if the apple emoji does show up for people I don't know have apple products or it doesn't show up for them for some reason?.

Anyway, so yeah I promised you an announcement after the epilogue and it looks like the epilogue is done so continue reading if you enjoyed it and yeah thank you so much for comments and votes and reads. It's extremely helpful :).

Taken  ⁺ OT4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora