✧P R O L O G U E✧

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"So?. How did school go?" My Aunty Kate asked.

I had just moved a few weeks ago.

You see I was originally going to school in Michigan, but both my parents lost their lives in a plane crash from coming back off their twentieth anniversary trip in Hawaii so I had to live with my Aunt Kate and Uncle Wilmer since they were the only relatives who still lived near my parents that and I was still a minor.

I had just turned seventeen on the sixteenth of July,that was the day they said they would come back to spend the weekend celebrating with me but that unfortunately didn't happen...

"Luke?"my Aunts voice caught me from my trail of thought.

"Um-sorry what?"I look at her sat down on the couch a cup of water in her left hand. Her face relaxed as I let my bag slip off my shoulder.

"How did school go?"she took a sip of water before placing the cup back down on the coffee table awaiting my news she wanted to hear.

"Normal-I guess" What did she expect. The school system hasn't changed just because I live in a different state.

"Oh-make any friends?"she gave another light smile crossing her leg and shaking her foot slowly as their was light music playing in the background.

"Can we talk about school another time, its that I have homework so I just want to get that out of the way Aunt Kate?" I tried giving her a friendly smile but she just really annoyed me with the fifty questions game.

"Uh sure?... by the way Uncle Will told me tell you that he wants to take you out this weekend.

I was about to walk back into the hall but I walked back and asked.

"Why?. I'm fine?"I didn't need a babysitter or a friend to have a good time.

"Just some alone time he said"

"I'll think about it,but I'm gonna go"I motioned the door with my thumbs.

"Okay but dinner will be ready for six tonight, I have a turkey cooking" her facial features lightened more than they already were and I knew she was trying to be gentle with me but I didn't need everyone being so overly nice just because my parents have died.

"O-Kay?"I walked out the sitting room and down the corridor to my room.

I haven't planed on decorating my room because it didn't feel like it was my room.

I hadn't even cried yet.

Not when they told me they had died, not at the funeral and not leaving my friends.

Not even once.

I heard my Aunt talking to my Uncle about getting a shrink for me a few days ago because I was still acting differently. All I can say is that I feel numb about the situation that has become dire. I didn't feel reality was reality for me anymore.

That is why as soon as I got to my room I went for a shower. Dropping my school bag and jump on the bed before stripping off my clothes in the bathroom.

I see my Aunt stocked it up with towels again.

She liked to see how I was doing by doing unnecessary things as a mother would do.

I turn the metal handle to the right letting the semi warm water turn a little warmer to my liking run down my unclothed back.

I hadn't stoped to look at how paIe I had become.

I didn't look like the slightly peach guy people saw me as.

I wasn't exactly paying attention anymore.


"Kate, where's the gravy?" My Uncle Wil asked.

We were currently sat at the dinning table just the three of us, my hair was still damp but an improvement to water dripping onto my homework I was doing after my shower.

"So that's what I forgot" my aunt Kate had puzzled face which turned to frustration with a sigh before continuing "Sorry darling I'll just be a minute" she got up from her chair and walking through then out the kitchen placing the Lukewarm gravy in front of Wil.

"Now, dig in!" Kate excitedly announced, clasping her hands together as she sat down then picking up the bowls of potatoes and spooning them onto her plate passing it round the table.

There was many things that looked amazing but I hadn't really been eating a lot.

But that didn't exactly stop me from complementing Aunt Kate's food.

"It looks nice Aunt Kate" I stared up to look at her. She smiled.

"Thanks sweetie"

"Anyway Luke"Uncle Will jolts in he quickly rubs his scruff and lets a loud cough out before continuing.

"Yes" I was about to cut some of the turkey but I quietly waited for his question I knew what he was going to say as Aunt Kate had asked once I was back.

I just wanted to go to bed.

"Now I'm sure Kate told you when you came home from school about me wanting to-hangout this Saturday"


"Well, what do you think about bowling?, a few of my friends have kids so you could hangout with them, I'm sure some of them even go to the same school as you?"

"I just kinda wanted to catch up with sleep this weekend since I won't be getting much as it test week next week"

"Oh-I just though you'd like to get out and about"he looked back at Aunt Kate in a way you could tell he was upset but I don't mean to be blunt.

"I'm not feeling that hungry right now,can I go to my room now?"

"But you barley had anything?"Kate looked at my plate then me with pleading eyes but nodded sadly.

"Thanks for the food. Night Aunt Kate And Uncle Will" they both said night back letting me head down the hall to my room

This was going to be the same routine for a while it seems.


So imma break down Luke's life story. Luke's birthday is the 16th of July as said in story and in IRL, mum was a head teacher dad was a manger in a bank. Both died on Luke's birthday as they were heading back from their anniversary holiday during the morning to try and celebrate with him. Luke now lives in Indiana with his only Aunt Kate and his second uncle 'Wilmar' who is married to his Aunt Kate.Also Kate is Luke's mums sister. And Wilmer is only his uncle through marriage and. Not blood related.And that's all you need to know. :)

Next update is the 9th of October 2017 at 5pm

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