Chapter 12: Growing Pains

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Autumn's feet began moving forward before she even knew what was going on. "Mom?" It took only seconds for the two women to meet in the middle.

Estë was taller than Autumn, and although she remained youthful, there was something about the woman that seemed thousands of years old and ageless at the same time. Estë' brought her hand up and tentatively grazed Autumn's cheek.

"Oh, my darling," Estë cried, throwing her arms around Autumn.

Any anger that Autumn felt toward her mother melted away into nothing. "How am I here? How am I with you?" She hugged her mother back, wanting to ask thousands of questions all at once.

"We haven't much time," Estë managed, pulling back. "We will have time to talk soon, but first I must tell you how to save the Gondorian. You must use your gift- of healing. You may need to take several injuries yourself to protect him- but by doing this, you will save both of you."

"Please," Autumn cried. "I don't understand. What do I need to-."

Suddenly, an authoritative voice rumbled out across the lake. "Estë? Where are you, darling?"

"You must go before he finds you," Estë said hurriedly, placing a gentle hand on her daughter's cheek. "Remember what I said. Protect him. Take several injuries. Goodbye, my dear. I will see you again."

"Wait-." Autumn attempted to say before the scenery around her began to fade. Sleep beckoned her into its arms, and soon she found herself in a deep, dreamless sleep.


It was early morning when Boromir awoke. The air was warm and already, fingers of sunlight were seeping through the canopy. Lothlórien was beautiful; even in the pale morning light. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and found a blanket covering his lower body.

It was strange, he thought. For he had no memory of having a blanket prior to falling asleep. He looked over to his right and on the cot beside him slept Autumn. A single covering was over her body, and he knew instantly that she had been the one to share a blanket with him.

He had so many questions he still wanted to ask her. Questions about her own world, questions about whether or not she would stay in the Arda after her mission was complete, and questions about her personal life. It was bold to ask her of the man from her past- the one she was to marry who had taken another woman in her place. But it was not his place to ask her such things.

He reached up lazily and pushed her raven-black hair from her face. He let his fingers graze her soft cheek for a moment longer before retracting his hand. Perhaps he had misread the intentions she had, after all, her friendship with the Elf Prince seemed like it could pose some competition.

Although the son of Gondor's steward, Lord Denethor, Boromir was not of high status, and as the daughter of the White City's Patron Goddess Estë, Autumn was practically royalty. What would she want with him? Why should he attempt to win her affection?

No, perhaps he should remain content with her friendship.

Autumn shifted, mumbling something incoherent before stretching. Her eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the morning' light that streamed down from Lothlorien's canopy. She groaned, bringing the blanket over her head to attempt to gain a little more sleep before the Fellowship continued on their journey to Mordor.

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