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"Maelynn Rose Fletcher." I called out blankly. I recieved a sticker with my name on it after and turned around to face the crowd of people I would soon have to get to know. I sat down in one of the chairs and looked around. The place was packed.

My name was eventually called and I stood up, heading to the woman doing the interview. She smiled warmly at me and shook my hand. "Hi dear, I'm Evelyn." She introduced herself and I did the same. 

"It says you transferred schools last year, is that correct?" She asked. I nodded yes and played with the end of my tee while she skimmed though all the information about me. "Good grades..good personality..just tell me," She looked at me from the paper and smiled. "Why are you interested in this college?" 

I smiledhald heartedly, having practised this answer with my dad over and over. I continued the interview waffling my way though and we finished up after about ten minutes. "Awesome. We'll contact you as soon as possible to let you know." She said. 

"Great, thanks." I smiled back at her and I headed to the exit. I went straight to my dad's car and got in, "Aced it." I told him. He cheered and gave me a high five before driving off. "Look at my little girl, almost in college before she even graduates."

"Yeah, I just hope I get in." I sighed. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached for it. It was a text from mum asking how it went. I replied and put it back in my pocket. 

"Hey, kid. I have something to tell you when we get home, so don't go out, okay?" Dad piped up. I shrugged it off and nodded, leaning my head against the window until we pulled up into the garden. I followed him inside and we both got a snack before he called each of us into the living room. Reece sat impatiently on the couch with his gameboy in his hands, taking all of his attention. 

Becca and I sat curiously in front of our parents. Mum held dad's hand and I gasped, "Are you's getting a divorce?" I asked, ready to panic. They laughed and said no, but the room then became very serious. Reece put his game down and listened too, realising this seemed important. Dad smiled and I noticed some tears in his eyes as well as mums. My heart began to race as I thought of every possible situation. 

"So uh, I have gotten my tests back, darlings." He said quietly. You could have heard a pin drop it was that quiet. I don't think any of us had to let him continue, because as soon as he mentioned his tests, we all knew it was bead news.

"I have a brain tumor. It's been causing the strokes, and I know this is a huge bombshell but It's at an early enough stage to begin treatment so I want you all to understand that I am going to try and be okay." He finished. 

I looked around the room. The walls began to close in on us and my vision went weak on me as I processed all of this information. Reece was the first to break the silence with a strangled cry. We all looked at him. I had never in my life seen Reece cry, other than being a baby and it caused us all to cry along with him too. Mum and dad quickly commenced a group hug and tried to calm us as we asked far too many questions. I stared at them both silently. "When does your treatment start?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow. I found out last week and they want to start right away." He mumbled. He looked absolutely broken and that's all it took for me to break down there with him. "Does Alfie know?" Becca asked. Dad only nodded and then decided to sit back up, wiping his eyes.

"Okay, we've had our little cry. I don't want any more of it, okay?" He specifically looked to me. I wiped my eyes and nodded, holding it all back. It seemed as though all I've done this week was cry.

"I'm going to win this fight for you all, I promise." He told us. Mum sat silently with trembling lips and I took ahold of her hands. "I know you will, dad." Reece spoke up, wiping his eyes. 

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