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It was amazing how much a single day could effect the rest of the month. Just simply from that one day with Harry, life was going by so well. I didn't have a bad day at all. Not to be a cliché or anything, but he really did make me happier. I had no worries anymore, but Christmas was fast approaching and it was starting to worry me.

It seems like it was only November a day ago, but now it was just a day to Christmas Eve. In other words, a day for me to finish my shopping. I didn't get much done with Harry's company and him coming over and us both going out on little adventures during the night didn't help either. So instead of enjoying my Christmas break, I was out shopping yet again. I was hopelessly strolling through a Christmas market, looking for my final few gifts. My scarf kept me toasty against the chilling air that blew through my hair softly as I tightened my grip around some of my bags. Men were always so difficult to shop for, but so simple at the same time. I settled on a watch for my father but was still having difficulty picking something out for Alfie.

My boots clacked along the concrete quickly. Christmas always intrigued me, it was just one day of the year yet so many people went so crazy for it. When I believed in Santa, of course it was truly magical. But ever since then it was just another day for me. Of course I enjoyed it, my family had nice traditions that were always fun but I just never will understand the hype about it at all. It's just a holiday for industries to make money, that's all. I watched absentmindedly as people and families whisked by me, each avoiding the litter of snow that was falling upon us. My feet carried me to a small booth at the corner which sold jewellery, and my eyes landed on a gold bracelet in a velvet cushioned box."Thirty pounds, missus." A cheery voice echoed over me, and I looked to the small man who sat proudly in his booth all wrapped up. I smiled to him and took a closer look, I wasn't really looking to buy it, I didnt know anyone that would even wear it. 

I took the thin bracelet in between my freezing finger tips and twirled it slightly, until a scratchy line made me stop. I squinted, reading over the words engraved into it.


I looked to the man and held the bracelet up, 'Does it come engraved?' I asked. His short arms reached over to take the jewelry from me. 'That's Strange..' He said quietly. 'Someone must have ordered this and left it here. I don't engrave any pieces until they're requested.' He finished. He put the bracelet beside him and pulled open a drawer. 'I'll get you a blank one.' He mumbled. I put my hand out and touched his wrist lightly, 'No, I'll take the one engraved. How much?' 

I thought it was perfect, especially the words carved into it. I didn't anticipate buying Harry a gift but it was almost like faith I had stumbled upon this one. It was only one word, but for me it held a great deal of meaning. It would be a reminder to remember how things used to be, before he hit that bump in the road, and everything will fall back into place. Those days he forgot how nice things were for us, and even just him, he needed to go back there and remember that the world isn't out to get him like he claims it is. I don't know why I was even so infatuated with this boy but it was a wonderful feeling when he returned the interest. 

I handed the man the money and wished him a Merry Christmas once it was all sealed and in a bag. The rest of my little shopping trip consisted of getting Alfies gift and getting out of there. The backseats of the car were covered with gift bags of all kinds and as I pulled out of the parking lot a strong wave of accomplishment took over. Snow pelted against my windscreen as I drove carefully over the motorway and toward my small little town. I had everyones gift, even a gift for Anne and Robin, just a small little one, but it felt good to have everything ready. All I had to do now was wrap everything and I was ready to go.

As I pulled into the driveway, christmas lights illuminating the way, I spotted my dad bringing some things in from the car. I got out and smiled, 'Hi, dad.' I yelled over. I went to the back seat and got an armful of bags to bring in, joining him in the walk to the front floor. His hand went up to wipe a single bead of sweat from his forehead.

'Hi, darling. ' He grunted out. I rolled my eyes, he wasn't even carrying anything heavy. With a thud, we both let our bags fall to the floor in the house. 'Better be something nice in there for me.' I smirked. He put his hands on his hips and blew out some air from between his lips. 'Don't think so, just the important peoples gifts.' He retorted. 

'Oh right..,' I hummed. 'Good thing I didn't get you anything then.' I left to get the rest of my things from the car and heaved them back to the house. I knew my dad was joking, and he knew I was too. So I was careful to get the bags to my room before anyone could see their potential gifts poking from one of the bags. I made it to my room and plopped everything onto my bed before I began to strip of my scarf and coat. The house was nice and toasty and I appreciated how  my once numb and frozen feet were back to being warm. 

With the noise of my family downstairs arguing every now and then about anything and everything, I changed into my pj's and sat myself down to spend the evening wrapping everyone's gifts.

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