gone because of you

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Mae's point of view

"Yeah, he just..kissed me! No -- Well, yes it was nice but don't you think it's a bit strange? He said it was because he thought he liked me, so I asked if he did and he said no then went to the bathroom."

"I guess it's strange. But, do you really think he doesn't like you?" El spoke.

"I really don't know. He came out half an hour later, crying. I asked him if he was okay and he just told me to stay away?" I switched the phone from my right to my left as I took out my purse to pay the cashier. I awkwardly smiled at him, he just blatantly stared at me.

"Oh shit, well listen, I'm coming home soon and we'll talk it all out properly. My dad is eyeing me to get off the phone" She sighed loudly as I picked up my bag and strutted out the door, giving a rude stare to the cashier guy, letting him know he was a bit of a dick.

"Okay, bye, Ellie" I hung up and slid the phone into my coat pocket before unlocking my car door and getting in. The whole day I have been thinking about Harry and how he left so abruptly, acting as if all of a sudden he hated me?

I could remember how he kissed me so eagerly then left me standing there for half an hour, only to return and basically tell me to fuck off. I was all for apologizing if I was in the wrong, I really was, but I wasn't in the wrong here and we both know it so he can kiss my ass until he drops his man pride and apologizes. As for now, I'm concentrating on how the hell i'm supposed to set up Becky's birthday present before she got home tonight. I got her a trampoline, because, well I don't really know but I saved my ass off for one and mum couldn't reject it if I gave it as a birthday present. I was still fixated on how I was going to set it up before she got back, I haven't a clue on construction. Like, at all. It's times like these where Harry would come in really handy.

I pulled up into our driveway after the short journey and found my dad and Reece with their bikes cycling up to the car. I rolled my eyes at both of their grins and opened the car door, only to be bombarded with questions by both boys.

"Why is Harry looking for you?"

"What did you do to him?"

"Why did his friend call you a bitch?

"Wait, Reece! No dirty words." My dad groaned.

"Anyways, why was he crying?" They concluded.

I barely had the chance to answer the questions in my own head before I fully stepped out of the car, staring at them wide eyed. "What are you talking about?"

"Harry came looking for you, he looked like he was crying then some guy came and took him away." My father shrugged. I hoped they were lying, I really did. I didn't do anything to him so he had no valid reason to be upset with me, or to even come to my house crying with his friend.

"He also called you a bitch," Reece mumbled, careful not to say it so loudly that my dad would hear. He did hear, and smacked him upside the head but still looked to me expecting an answer.

"I really don't know, maybe I'll go and talk to him. But which friend was it?" I looked from his house to the two idiots I have to label as family.

"Blondie, there was another guy too but he was at Harry's garden watching, he looked oddly familiar." My father spoke, pretending to stroke his non-existent beard. Blondie was definitely Niall, and the other could only be Louis, he would be the only one recognizable to my dad.

"I'll go check what was wrong, bring these inside, will you?" I handed both bags to the both of them, I'll get the trampoline from the trunk when I get back.

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