remove yourself from the area

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"MAE, I need to shower. Please remove yourself from the area." Reece ordered. I rolled my eyes and spat the remaining toothpaste into the sink.

"Don't use all the water, I need one too." I flicked water at him, finding amusement in how he scowled at me and locked the door.

I was waiting in anticipation to see Harry, not that I wanted to I just want to get it over with. He sees me and I see him then we'll be on the same level again and continue ignoring one another, my plan was flawless and it didn't include being locked up in a room with him.

I was expecting him any minute now, It was almost seven and he was supposed to be home at around six. I would have came to the decision that I missed his arrival but i've been watching and listening since five o'clock, just in case he wanted to surprise us early which he didn't didn't. I just lost an hour of sleep because of him.

"Morning dad," I mumbled, peeling open a granola bar from the fridge. Who keeps granola in the fridge?

"Shh, I'm doing a crossword. If I win, I get five-hundred pounds." He snapped, fixing his glasses slightly and keeping his head down. I just love how my family value one another, we can really communicate no matter the situation and we just get each other.

"Is Harry back?" I dared to ask, he has plenty of time to finish before work.

"Well I'd like to think so, your mum just went out a few minutes ago. How did you not notice her screaming and the door swinging wide open?" He looked up from the table and nodded to the hall door I must have missed swinging open.

"Right," I nodded, walking over to it. I could just grow some balls and stand out to let him know I know he's home, I feel that would make him nervous for some reason. I peeked around the edge of the door, looking across into the freshly cut garden and watched my overly happy mother hug Harry and kiss his forehead. He didn't show any emotion, not even when his own mother spoke to him. It felt so strange to see him, all roughed up and tired looking. I get he's probably had a really bad two months but he brought all of this on himself, unfortunately he brought his family down with him.

Right before he shut his door of the car, we caught eyes. It was like it went in slow motion, both of us stared at each other not knowing what to say as he walked up to his front door. The little sparkle in his eyes were burnt out and his skin was his warming smile i'd get a flash of every now and then was surely carved off of his face and instead a firm pout was in place, dragging his whole face down. It was chilling to have him stare at me for so long and have no reaction at all, I felt small now instead of how I thought I would feel. I felt like that stupid painting in art.

"Oh, Mae! come over and say hi, I'm sure you've missed each other," His mum must have spotted me hiding in the comfort of my own home. My body was frozen as she motioned for me to come over. "I have to get ready for school, maybe later." I weakly replied, forcing a smile and backing away from the glare my mum was giving me.

I hurried upstairs to get ready, I had to leave in fifteen minutes if I wanted to be on time and I still haven't showered. So after a very quick body wash, I found myself putting on black skinny jeans and an over sized blue sweater before shooting downstairs. I looked like a train wreck, I had ugly bags under my eyes and my hair was all wavy and knotted up at the ends.

Everyone else in the house was gone; Dad gave Reece a lift to school and would then go to work while mum was soon to leave for her shop once she was sucked back out of Anne and Harry's asses. I swear she loves that family more than ours, she's always with them. Having her off of my back is a bit relieving though because now anytime I do something wrong Anne tells her she has a son in jail so I could be doing worse which lays off the punishment. I guess I can thank Harry for one thing.

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