a little date

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It had been a few days since my dad was discharged from hospital. I was sitting in a classroom, tapping my pen against my math book as the teacher tried to explain an equation. I hadn't been in school for awhile because of helping at home with my dad, he couldn't walk around on his own for too long and we were scared he would have another stroke. Today was my first day back after my birthday and it was a bit of a relief. 

I managed to finish up art class in my own time and my counsellor allowed me to graduate his class early and I was so happy. I couldn't stand sitting in a classroom with Zayn for an hour. Harry was happy too and I managed to get him to forget it, scared that he would do something stupid. 

The bell rang for dismissal and instead of heading to last period, art, I headed for the main doors. Harry had texted me letting me know he was outside and I found myself getting excited the closer I got to the exit, but I was stopped. 

"Ms. Fletcher, you're going to be late for my class." Zayn told me. He held a book in his hands and wore a navy button up. I looked around me, watching students fly by us. "I'm finished your class, sir."

He smiled. "I thought you needed my signature for that?" He remarked. "Come to my office, I'll sign the papers." He told me, about to lead me there. I looked to the doors, hoping Harry would walk though but he didn't and I just followed along. His office was beside the cafeteria and as I walked towards it, I plotted an escape in my head. My throat went dry as we walked in and he motioned for me to take a seat. I declined his offer and just quietly watched him look for the papers.

"How come you decided to finish up early? You still have another three months until you graduate." He asked. He licked over his lips as he spoke to me and I once again felt extremely uncomfortable. 

"I needed the free period to catch up on other things." I lied. 

He laughed, signing the paper. "I know that's not true, Mae."

"You're right," I admitted. "You sexually assaulted me and I want to get as far away from you. I should probably even inform the school about your actions and I probably will." I blurted out. I felt the sudden burst of confidence and wanted to congratulate myself but I was shot down.

His eyes narrowed down on me and he stepped too close for comfort. "You won't do that." He said to me. I nodded, too afraid to speak. "You can't." He told me again.

He stepped forward again and took my chin in between his index finger and thumb, forcing me to look straight at him. "The principal is my aunt, you idiot. I also have multiple notes from your copies of you claimimg you wanted to do stuff with me. Remember? What's to stop me from saying you assaulted me?" He whispered. I gulped.

"Student gets expelled for assaulting teacher..has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" He chuckled. He stepped away and got my papers, shoving them into my arms. I took them and turned to leave but he held onto my arm tightly. "Tell anyone and I'll make sure it flies back into your face." 

Those were his last words before I rushed out and slammed the door behind me, tears threatning to fall. I could feel my breathing become heavy and almost had to gasp for air as I ran towards the exit. Harry's car was the first thing I saw and when he beeped, to signal he was waiting, I hurriedly ran to his car. 

I didn't even reach his car before he got out himself and caught me. "Hey, what's wrong." He asked. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. He wrapped his arms around me too and squeezed until I broke it off. "Harry I just need to get out of here." I begged. 

He nodded and opened the car door for me. I got in and he did too, speeding out of the car park. "Are you going to tell me what's got you so upset?" He asked me. I didn't reply. I felt so tired and defeated, my stomach was churning non stop and my heart continued to race. "Maelynn." Harry called me. 

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