Chapter 21 (Last Chapter)

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"What happened?" I repeat.

"Nothing yet...."

He steps closer to me. His large hand cups the side of my face and presses our lips together gently. I just allow him to. I just stand there, not resisting.

Fate. Fate will decide who I need to be with. I can't choose for myself.

Suddenly, I'm jerked backwards, parting Niall and me.

I turn to see that it was Ashton.

If you were to just glance in his direction, you would be able to tell how mad he is. Anger is practically radiating off of him.

Then, it all goes black.

I see nothing but an eternal emptiness.

My brain still functions, but I can't seem to move my body. It's weird, to say the least.


My eyes slowly open as I'm brought back to reality.

I don't recognize the room I'm in from first glance. On second look, I see that I am in a hospital.

Did I black out after Ashton pulled me away from Niall?

"Hello Mrs. Wells," a sturdy male voice says to me. "I'm your doctor, Dr. Vasquez.

I attempt to say 'hello' back, but my throat is dry.

"Here," Dr. Vasquez says as he hands me a small paper cup.

I nod as a 'thank you.'

The water helps my throat as I gulp it down.

"Why am I in here?" I ask.

"You were in a coma. Your parents didn't know how or why, but we found drug traces in your system. Do you have any memory of that?" he asks me.

"My parents? But they're dead."

"They're in the waiting room. Do you want me to go get them?"


"Please, calm down Mrs. Wells."

I cross my arms and look away.

Dr. Vasquez begins to say something else, but is interrupted by a knock on the door.

"You can come in," the doctor says to whoever is on the other side.

The door slowly opens. If I were to say I was shocked by who is standing there would be an understatement.

My dad. And my mom.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so glad you're okay," my mom says as she walks over and pulls me into a hug.

"Why are you both alive?" I ask absentmindedly.

My parents both show looks of confusion. Before either of them has a chance to talk, Dr. Vasquez speaks.

"She can't remember anything before she was put in a coma. I assume she had hallucinations or 'dreams' in her sleep. That may be because of the drugs she had taken."

My mom gasps. "Oh my gosh. Will she ever get her memory-"

I cut my mom off. "I was on drugs? So I dreamed all of that? Niall, Ashton, Harry, Louis, Rebecca, Audry... all of them aren't real?"

"They're all real...but... Jordan what did they do in your dreams?" my dad asks me.

"We probably shouldn't pound her with all of these questions right now. But if you would like, we can let up to 2 more of her friends or family in," Dr. Vasquez tells us.

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