Chapter 9

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When I reach them, Niall has already hit Ashton.

"Niall! Please stop," I beg. Tears begin to slowly stream down my face.

Niall looks over at me and I can see the worry clear in his icy blue eyes. While he's distracted, Ashton takes the opportunity to shove Niall off of him. Ashton then pulls his arm back and connects his fist with Niall's jaw. Before Niall has the opportunity to react, I step in between them.

"Will you both please stop?" I wipe the tears off of my eyes.

Niall's gaze meets mine and he has guilt written all over his face. "I'm so, so sorry Jordan," he says quietly.

I turn away from him and look at Ashton, who also looks at me with a guilty expression. I shake my head slightly at them then turn and walk down the hall, toward the principal's office. By the sound of footsteps behind me, I know they're following. When we reach the principal's office, Mr. Borg is already outside, waiting for them.

"Jordan?" he asks, confused. "Why are you here? Mr. Oliver said that it was just Ashton and Niall."

"I had to make sure that they wouldn't get into another fight on their way." I decide not to mention the events that had just taken place down the hall.

"Okay. Well, boys, would you step into my office and take a seat?" Mr. Borg opens the door for them and they walk inside. After they're in, he shuts the door and faces me again. "Would you mind coming in too so I can have the full story, from your knowledge?"

"Yes sir." I reply, still shaken up.

He opens the door again and I step inside to see Ashton and Niall sitting in chairs across the room from each other, with their arms crossed over their chests.

"I'd like to speak with Niall first," our principal announces.

Niall grunts but complies and stands up, following Mr. Borg into a separate room.

"Your boyfriend is a psycho," Ashton informs me once he's sure that the door separating Niall from us is shut.

"No he's not," I defend.

"He fucking tackled me because I asked you out. How is that not psycho?"

"He's just very protective over me, even though he and I have only been officially dating for less than a day." Has it really only been that long? Time goes by too slow.

Ashton scoffs at me. "He's done nothing to deserve you. I, on the other hand, I do deserve you. I treated you right. I just never had the chance to officially make you my girlfriend. I was always worried you'd say no. But now, I see that you did really like me, and if we would've gone out, we'd still be together. That also means this mess wouldn't be happening. Niall would go to some other girl, simply because he would've learned that nobody could take you away from me. No matter what."

"What exactly are you trying to say, Ash?"

"I'm saying that you should break up with that dumb fuck and be with me. He's worthless and probably treats you like shit. I would treat you so much better than that, Jordan. Please give me a chance." He begs.

"Ashton-" I'm cut off by the door opening and Niall stepping through, walking over to sit by me.

"Mr. Irwin, will you please come back now?" Mr. Borg says.

Ashton gets up and follows him back into the office.

"What did he say to you?" Niall questions me the moment the door shuts.

"He was trying to convince me to break up with you and go out with him," I reply honestly.

I watch as Niall's fists clench as I tell him that. I have to do something to calm him down...but what? Slowly, I get up and walk over to him. I sit down gently on his lap, facing him with one knee on either side of his hip. Looping my arms around his neck, I pull his body against mine in a tight hug. When I pull away I leave my hands on the back of his neck, my fingers fiddling with the short hairs.

Time. (Punk Niall - Ashton Irwin Fanfic AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon