Chapter 16

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"Wait. WHAT?" Niall shouts, looking at the two boys in front of him.

"This is my cousin. I forgot that he lived here. He visits every year, haven't I ever introduced the two of you?" Luke replies.

"No." Niall and Ashton reply at the same time.

"Oh. Well I think you guys would be really good friends. Do you guys go to the same school?" Luke asks, still clueless.

"Um..." I cut in. "Niall? Care to explain to your best friend what has happened over the past week?"

"Wait a minute," Luke says. "Ashton, is this the same Jordan you told me that you-"

"Yes," Ashton cuts him off.

"Damn bro. You weren't kidding when you said she's hot," Luke replies as if I wasn't sitting right across from him.

"Not now," Ashton hushes his cousin.

Niall still sits next to me, with his hands on the table. He rubs the knuckles of one hand with his other.

"Well um... I have to get back to work... I'll catch up with you later Luke," Ashton says after a few moments of tension filled silence.

"See you later," Luke replies.

Luke sits back down in his original seat.

As we begin to eat our food, I feel Niall's hand on my thigh. He moves his hand up and down my thigh at a slow, teasing pace.

As I'm about to say something to him, he leans over and whispers to me harshly, "Did you see the way that fucker was looking at you? It's like he just wanted to take you right here on this table. That little prick needs to fucking know that you're mine."

I feel Niall's hand start to touch me through my pants roughly.

"Niall," I say. "Not here."

He rolls his eyes and takes his hand away.

"Wait," Luke says. "What was all that between you and Ashton?"

"I'll explain later," Niall replies as he takes a bite of one of his fries.

"Okay.." Luke goes back to his food.

We fall into silence and continue to eat. It is awkward to say the least.

Once we're all finished and Niall pays, we go back to my car.

"Where are we going now?" I ask as I start my car.

"I don't know, there isn't much to do in this crap town," Niall replies.

"We could go bowling?" I suggest.

"Can I say something?" Luke speaks up.

"Sure," I say.

"I don't want to third wheel with you guys."

"I could text Mikey and see if he wants to hang out too," Niall suggests.

"Sure, he can bring Lily too if he wants," I reply.

"So now I'd be the... fifth wheel, I guess?" Luke says with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I can tell him to bring Mary too?" Niall suggests.

"Is she hot?" Luke asks.

"She's not bad looking, I think you'll like her," Niall replies.


Niall takes out his phone, taps the screen a few times, then presses it to his ear.

"Hey Mikey, it's Niall."

"Jordan, my friend who's visiting from New York and I are going bowling. Can you come too? With Lily and Mary?"

"Alright awesome. See you there in a bit."

Once Niall hangs up and puts the phone back in his pocket, he says, "They're coming. The three of them were already hanging out so they are all gonna meet us there."

"Okay," I reply.

As we continue the drive, I notice that my music isn't on. I hit the 'on' button and some random music starts playing on the radio.

"Hey Niall, can you reach in the glove compartment and pull out the CD that's in there?"

Niall complies and grabs the CD and hands it to me.

I put it into the CD slot and the music starts.

"Annabelle you think you're so damn special, but there's a million other girls like you. Thirty minutes and you say we're official, but I have got some news for you."

"Who and what is this?" Niall scoffs.

"This is the album 'On Your Side' by my favorite band, A Rocket To The Moon," I reply.

"That's my girlfriend's favorite band," Luke says.

"You have a girlfriend?" I ask.


"What does she look like?"

"Well," Luke starts. "She has dark curly brown hair, perfect emerald green eyes, and the cutest dimples when she smiles."

"She sounds kind of like a girl version of Harry." I laugh.

"Who's Harry?"

"The curly haired kid that Jordan lives with now," Niall answers.

"Then who's the other guy?"

"Louis, Harry's boyfriend."

"Oh," Luke replies.

"Niall! You aren't supposed to tell anyone," I cut in.

"Luke isn't going to tell anybody, I can trust him."

I pull into the parking lot of the bowling alley. Once I park my car, we all get out and go inside.

"They're over there," Niall points to the corner, where I see Mary, Lily, and Michael.

"We should get our shoes before we go over," I say.


We walk over to the counter and I see that Calum is working.

"What sizes do you guys need?" Calum looks at me then says, "Hey Jordan."

"Hi." I smile back at him.

"So what sizes do you need?"

We all tell him and he hands us our shoes.

"Thanks," I say.

"You're welcome."

Luke, Niall, and I walk to where Michael, Lily, and Mary are.

"Hey Niall!" Mary says then winks at Niall.

I roll my eyes in disgust.


Random place to stop but I don't feel like writing and I'm getting yelled at to update.

You know who you are.

Cough cough Taylor cough cough.


Idk when next chapter will be up.

Well I want 3 comments before I update.


Vote~Comment~Fan Me

Mkay, bye(:

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