Chapter 2

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I try to ignore my urge to look at Niall throughout the class. I look back a few times, and each time I look, I see Niall looking back at me. He always has a smirk on his face that has been driving me insane for the past few hours.

To distract myself I try to pay attention to my U.S. History lesson. I don't even know why we are still learning stuff this late in the school year. Audry gets to watch movies all day. It's so un fair.

I feel a pair of fingers tap my shoulder. Hoping it's not Niall, I turn around, curious of who could be bothering me. The first thing I see is Harry's hand pointing toward the ground at a folded piece of paper. I hope Niall didn't drop it and force Harry to point it out to me. I bend down to pick it up and see my name written on it. It's Harry's handwriting, thankfully. I unfold the note and read what it says.

'He's staring at you. -H'

I quickly write a response below his loopy writing.

'You think I haven't realized that? -J'

I slip the note into his open hand under his desk. A minute later he hands it back to me, cautious and trying not to get caught.

'Well. I think I know why he gave you his number and told you to call him. -H'

'And why is that? -J'

'I assume he wants to like, hook up with you, or something. -H'

When I read his last responce, my whole face goes blank and questions flood my mind.

'Why me? Is that what he and Cody were talking about? What exactly does Harry mean by 'hook up'? Why are guys so confusing?'

I shake my head, scribbling a responce to Harry.

'Just talk to me about it after class. -J'

Once I know he's read the note, I turn around and look at him. Harry gives a small nod. I look over at Niall who looks to be the most confused person in the world right now.

The bell rigns to signal the school day is over. I gather my books and rush out of the classroom toward Rebecca's car. Before I'm even out of the hall I feel a hand grip my arm. I turn around to meet eyes with Niall.

He leans down to my ear and whispers, "Don't forget."

He lets go of my arm and walks off, leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway. I'm frozen to my spot. His words linger in my ear. His warm breath against my skin. I get chills down my back just thinking about it.

Rebecca sees me as she walks by and notices me just standing there. "Jordan?" she questions.

I don't move.

She snaps her fingers in my face. "Jordan, are you okay? What happened?"

I snap out of my daze and take a moment to focus on what she said. ", N-niall. H-he just." I can't find the right words.

She grabs my arm the way Niall did and I jerk my arm away from her. She gives me a look of confusion, mixed with worry. "Jordan. What happened?"

I still don't move.

"Okay just come to the car with me and we can talk about it at your house, or mine if you want."

She starts to walk away slowly and I force myself to follow her.

When we reach her car, Harry is standing outside of his truck waiting for us.

"Woah," he says when he sees Rebecca's worried expression and my frozen face. "What happened, Jordan?"

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