Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep*

I grunt, rolling onto my side to turn off my alarm clock.

'Who's brilliant idea was it to make school so early anyway.'

My hand smacks the 'off' button, and finally the annoying noise shuts off. My body forces itself up and out of my bed, stretching a little before walking.

"Only two more weeks," I say to myself, "Just two more weeks."

I am so thankful summer is just around the corner. Not that my family actually does anything for summer, but at least there's no more waking up at 6 am.

Slowly, I drag my tired body to my closet, contemplating what to wear. My decision come out to a light pink fitted shirt matched with a white floral skirt. My feet walk themselves out of my room out of habbit and down the hall to the bathroom. My fist knocks on the door, and I wait to see if anyone answers.

"What?" I hear my little sister nearly yell from behind the door.

"I have to shower so I won't be late, Audry." She knows I always get in the bathroom at 6:10 so she's obviously in there just to aggrivate me.

"I have to shower too!" She continues to yell, mocking me.

"Audry you never shower in the morning. And I remember you showered last night so there is excatly no point in being in my bathroom." I groan, leaning on the door and banging it repeatedly.

"Since when is this considered your bathroom?" She questions.

"Either you get out now, or I'm ripping down one of your posters and burning the remains." I say, finally realizing that she wouldn't budge unless I threatened her.

"No!!!!" she exclaims running out of the bathroom and into her room, making sure all of her Justin Beiber posters remain untouched.

I shake my head at her ignorance.

'Do all 12 year olds act like that?'

I make my way into the bathroom and start the shower. As I step in, the warm water relaxes my tensed body. My hands bring the shampoo and conditioner through my hair, cleaning it. Once it's all rinsed, I climb out and reach for my towel.

After drying off and putting my clothes on I face the challenge of how I should do my hair. I decide on just leaving it to be naturally curly. I put some mousse in then spray it with hairspray before doing my make up. I don't wear much, just a bit of eye liner and some mascara.

When I walk back to my room I slip on my white floral toms, grab my necessities; my phone and purse. After doing so, I look around my room, trying to think if I need anything else.

'Nope.' I think so myself as I head down the stairs.

Once I'm down there, I check my phone, clicking the 'home' button to wake the screen.

'Jordannnnnn! I'm almost there so hurry up and finish getting ready'

~Rebecca(: xx'

the first one reads.

I move to the second one.


~Rebecca(: xx'

I laugh at her ignorance before typing out a reply.

'No Rebecca I did not die but thanks for worrying.

~Jordan ;)'

I yell a goodbye to my dad and sister before heading out the door. Once I reach Rebecca's white Camaro I climb into the passenger seat. I've always been jelous of how much money her family has. Their house is huge compared to everyone else's in the small town of Florence, Montana. She can have just about anything she wants but she refuses because she says she wants to fit in better. It makes no sense to me because she drives a Camaro. So basically she gets a lot of attention from the whole school. Though, there are only 250 kids; I bet she'd still be popular if there were 5,000 kids.

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