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~Karin P.O.V~
So Sasuke has a little crush on Sakura, huh? I'm so teasing him about this. I walk over to Sasuke after everyone else left and he noticed me right away.

"Sasukeeeeeeee." I said in a teasing voice.

"What do you want Karin?" He said a little annoyed.

I giggled. "I saw you blushing early and I heard you scowl at Kiba when he offered Sakura his hand.

He hissed at me. "I certainly was not." Oh sure, your face just wanted to turn pink for no damn reason.

"Sure, and you weren't jealous of Kiba I assume? And you wouldnt mind if they went out if we were older?" Sasuke turned his head towards my way and sending me a death glare.

Thats a way to get his attention.

"Why would she go out with some dog, when she ha-" he quickly shut his mouth and ran off with a blush on his face.


~To Sakura~ ~3rd Person P.O.V~
"Daddy!" Kizashi heard his little girl say while laughing and panting trying to catch her breath from running.

"What is it princess?" He asked curiously of to why she was running.

"I made a bunch of new friends! And they have a group called Konoha 14 and let me join see! I have a headband as proof." She said with a big grin at the end.

Kizashi smiled. He was happy that Sakura made friends despite what him and Mebuki did to her and still kept a grin on her face.

"Good sweetheart." At least shes not alone.........for now.

~1 Year Later~
It's been 1 year since Sakura had been friends with Konoha 14 and she couldn't be any happier until something happened. They are now 6 years old.

~5 Hours Earlier~
Sakura got up ready for school. She was going to their picnic for their 'One Year Anniversary'. She got ready for school and called out to her dad.

"I'm leaving for school." "Okay, be careful." Sakura did what she was told and made sure that no one was following her or talking to her.......or so she thought.

Sakura ran into the classroom and yelled, "I'm home!" Konoha 14 or Konoha 15 now laughed at her antics. Every since she joined them she yelled 'I'm home' whenever she went ro class and saw them waiting for her because they were like her second family.

"Sakuraaaaaaa!!!" Karin yelled. "Eeep" Sakura squeled and ran.

"Well, she's a goner." Suigetsu said.

"Poor, Sakura-san." Juggo said while drawing a fake flower to put on her imaginary grave later.

Sakura had gotten close to Suigetsu, Juugo, Sasuke and Karin more than the other members of Konoha 15.

Well, you might be wondering why Karin is chasing her. Yesterday, Sakura teased Karin about Suigetsu and told them that they were going to get married amd have kids.

Karin got mad.

Karin tackled Sakura and started giggling her. "I'm.......sorry......Karin it.....wont happpen...again." Sakura said between laughs.

Karin let Sakura go and shouted, "Well today is our one year anniversary since our last member joined a.k.a Sakura."

Everybody stared at Karin like she was crazy. She forgot she was in class. "Whoops?"

"Alright, class time to get started."

~After Class~ ~Sakuras P.O.V~
It was our one year anniversary but I needed to go home quickly to get a few things but what I saw was unexpected.......packed boxes.

No....no....we can't be leaving. Not when I've made friends and good ones at that.

"Daddy?" I got scared. I didn't hear anything until he yelled.

"Sakura, I'm so sorry this happened to you but at least you'll have three of your friends with you."

What was he talking about?

I can feel myself tearing up. "What's wrong?"

"We need to leave fast."

I start sobbing but nod in understanding but I look at the door way amd see three other kids with their parent(s) or sibling.

Karin. Suigetsu. Juugo.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask while sobbing.

"We have to leave." Ah, so dad meant them three. I see.

"M-me too." I run to them and hug them. Then, I see my dad running to the car and turning it on but putting the boxes in the back first.

Wait. My headband. I put it in my backpack so nothing happens to it. It seems that the other three did the same.

"Sakura we are leaving now." I froze.

What about Konoha 15?

I don't get to say goodbye. Tears started running down my face but I wiped them off.

I see Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu running to thier own cars.

I guess we are moving to the same place?

Konoha 15........Im sorry or should I say Konoha 11.

Sorry that this chapter is short but the story is getting to the good part trust me, and you will find about Rin and Sasori more soon. Thank you for reading. ;)

PS. The next chapter will be a little short.

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