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Sakura's P.O.V
I woke up at 7:00 this morning just to get ready for school and to eat breakfast so I can 'actually' make it on time today. As I was walking down the stairs I heard some yelling and hid behind a wall and peeked a little to see what was going on.

"Why didn't you buy food yesterday?!" Said Kizashi (I don't know Sakuras' dads name so I just used this name) I heard dad yelling at mom again... "S-s-sorry sweetheart I was just busy yesterday and I forgo"- SLAP! My mom was interrupted by my dad as he slapped her. Then he yelled at me. "SAKURA WHATS TAKING SO LONG?!?!" Nani?!? Damn it im just a 5 year old let me "change" will ya? Or take my time? Ya know? You should hurry ya know? Yeah yeah. "I'm coming!" I yelled so that my parents wouldn't get anymore mad.

"Sakura next time you got to be faster or else!" My dad yelled at me. Harsh much? It's not like they help you get dressed or brush your hair? Don't you mean "us"? Yeah, yeah whatever now lets hurry before we get yelled at again. Ya don't say? I snickered at the remark I made. "SAKURA?!" I turned my head to face my dad. "Yes, daddy?" I said a little scared of what might happen next. "Face me when im talking to you!" I was a little scared frightened by his tone. Then the next thing I knew my dad raised his hand and smacked it across my cheek.

"Ha. Next time look at me while I'm talking." Man If only I was real I don't think I can stop imagining the things I can do to hurt this man! I felt my eyes watering and a tear begging to escape but it didn't as for I blinked it away to show I'm not a crybaby but little did I know that my words would come back to bite me.

Hey guys I wrote this "filler-ish" kind of chapter to show you what Sakura goes through at home and I'm sorry if the chapter is to short I will upload tonight around 1:00am (Pacific Time) and I will try to make tonight's chapter longer. Thank you for reading!

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