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Sakuras P.O.V
Is something wrong with mommy? And was that uncle ******* "Hey Inner!" What? "Do you know who that man was?" Which man? "The one with ponytail hair!" I heard Inner snicker at my statement. "Whats wrong Inny-chan?" "Nothing." Then she just started laughing. "Okay." Then I bumped into something that broke me out of my thoughts. "Ouch." I exclaimed. "Hey you freak watch where you are going got it!?" I was to scared to care about everything else and just nodded a quick yes as I saw her walk away. I got up, patted my light green dress and fixed my hair. "Did you forget a about school already!?!?" "Oi! I forgot okay I will try to hurry." School was literally just ten steps away.....time to face hell. "Where did you learn that word from?!" "I heard daddy say it once." "Okay well focus!" "Okay okay."

Okay now where is my class lets see E-3...E-3...E-3 Hah!!! Found it. I picked up my hand to open the door but stopped myself as I lost myself in my thoughts filled with sad and questions that scared me. What if they call me a freak like that girl from earlier? Will they make fun of my hair and say its unnatural and dyed? Will I make any new friends this year? Shannaro!! Who cares I will kick their butt if they mess with me and I don't need friends they will probably end up as traitors. "Cha! Thats more like it outer me." Inny-chan yelled. "Ms. Sakura Haruno correct?" Huh? "Crap I forgot about school. I finally got out of my thought and was looking up at a man with a scar across his now and his hair in a ponytail. "Ah, yes that would be me Mr. Uhhhhh sir???" "Ahh yeah I will be your teacher for this school year you can call me Mr. Iruka!" Mr. Iruka doesnt sound right. "I agree." "Well how about Iruka-sensei? It sounds better." "Yup!" "Okay Iruka-sensei." I said with a wide grin on my face and saw him smile back. "Okay well come on in Sakura." I'm so nervous what if they don't like me? Ya know what? I don't care! Shannaro!

"Sakura, introduce you yourself to the class." "H-h-hi my n-name is Sakura Harun-no." "Ha! Look at her she is a freak!" I widened my eyes and look up at the classroom. (The classroom looks like the class in Naruto.) "Yeah, look at that ugly pink hair of hers!!" As I was afraid of....I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. "Come on Sakura dont give up right away!" Inny-chan is right it is my first day and I don't want to make a bad impression. "Hey cut it out!" Uh-oh it seems that made Iruka-sensei is mad. "Jeez my students are the worst and to to it all i have the uchiha in here!" Iruka-sensei whispered to himself. Uchiha? I feel like I have heard mom and dad say something about Itichi Uchiha or something like that but I'm not sure.

"Okay, Sakura you can sit between Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha." "WHAT?!" All the girls in the class screamed like there was no tomorrow, jesus christ. (Narutos parents are alive and Sasukes family is not dead) I already where to sit at because there is literally one seat left. So, I just walked to my seat but as I was walking I felt glares from almost 'notice how I said almost' all of the girls in class. "Hi Sakura-chan my name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze your future Hokage but you can just call me Naruto!" A blonde boy with 3 'whiskers' on each cheek and a very cheerful attitude "told" me. More like yelled.Wow....very hyperactive I see. "Hi! I am Sakura nice to meet you." I responded happily since he didn't tease me like other students did. Hey inny-chan. Hey Sak try talking to the Uchiha. Why? Just try. Okay. I look to the left of me and see the Uchiha. "Hi! I'm S-sakura H-haruno but y-you can call me Sakura or w-w-whatever you prefer." He glances my way. "Hn" I hold my hand out so he can shake it but he doesn't take it. I just put my hand down so I don't look embarrassing. "So much for first impression." I mumbled.

Sasukes P.O.V
Dumb Itachi just left me in front of school since he saw my "Fangirls" more like girls with an obsession over someone they can't have. Great just my luck I am stuck with these "Fangirls" until I can get to class. Luckily I came to the orientation so I know where class is. "KYA!! Sasuke-kun is so cute!!!" "I love you Sasuke-kun"

Pathetic. We are 5 year olds for gods sake and you are using the word "love". How sad. I found my classroom and walked in. "Hey, teme!" Great just great. The same class with that dobe. "Hn." "Oh come on Teme, sit with me!" No way am I going to sit next to him. Ill just sit next to the seat that is next to him. "Okay, Sakura introduce yourself to the class." I heard Iruka-sensei say. I saw a girl with pink bubble gum-ish hair and green forest eyes walk in to the classroom. Wow she is kinda....cute. Ah what am I thinking. "H-h-hi my n-name is Sakura Harun-no." Great probably another dumb Fangirl. As if Ami and her "crew" of followers wasn't enough. "Ha! Look at her she is a freak!" I saw her look up to the class...Now I feel bad for calling her dumb. "Yeah, look at that ugly pink hair of hers!!" Man for some reason when she said that I felt really mad. "Hey cut it out!" Iruka-sensei yelled. Wow. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "Okay Sakura you can sit between Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha." Oh no... "WHAT?!" All the girls in the class screamed except for Karin, Ino, Tenten and Hinata as for they have other crushes while Hinata who has a crush on this Dobe here, Karin has a crush on Suigetsu one of my friends, Tenten has a crush on Neji and Ino has a crush on Sai....that kid and his fake smiles. "Hi! Sakura-chan my names Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze your future Hokage but you can just call me Naruto." That dobe...calling her Sakura-chan. WHATS WRONG WITH ME I HAVE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS?! "Hi! I am Sakura nice to meet you!" She turns her head to me. "Hi! I'm S-sakura H-haruno but y-you can call me Sakura or w-w-whatever you prefer." She raises her hand for me to shake but I turn my head and just say...."Hn." "So much for first a impression." I heard her mumble. Now that I think about it... shes not like other girls and by that I mean fangirls...I don't think shes bad at all just a little....cute.

Okay so it took me at least 2-3 hours to work on this and I am Impressed with myself that I wrote this much.....Anyways I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night.

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