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~3rd person P.O.V~
After Sakura met Suigetsu she was really happy. She made a new friend. She pushed her thoughts away as she ran fast.

'Dad should be finished talking to Karins mom by now' (Can anyone come up with a name for her?).

She ran as fast as her legs can take her until she was at her doorstep. She knocked lightly but when no one answered she started to knock a little harder. Once she stopped knocking she heard footsteps coming to the door and the doorknob starting to move.

'At least he's here.'

"Ah, Sakura get in, it's getting late." Sakura walked in, took off her shoes and set them beside the door.

"Did you have fun today?" "Yeah! I have a new friend and his name is Suigetsu and he has an older brother name Mangetsu and then we pla-" "Slow down there. You met Suigetsu and Mangetsu?" "Yeah, do you know them?" "Not at all." Kizashi stated nervously. 'We're all in big trouble if she meets.........it's bad enough she already met Karin and Suigetsu.'

"Daddy? Are you listening?" Kizashi got out of his thoughts and said, "Of course. Anyways, it's getting late so eat dinner and then go to bed." "Hmmmmmm, okay!" 'Mebuki.......have they done anything to you? You know, our princess met Karin and Suigetsu. If she meets him, we might have a problem.


Sakura got out her dictionary and started to read. After, reading about 7 pages she changed into her pajamas and went to sleep.

The next morning

Kizashi woke up earlier than he usually does. He decided to make Sakura pancakes with whip cream and blueberries. As he was cooking he started to wonder something, whatever happened to Mebuki........will the same thing happen to him?

~Sakura P.O.V~
"Ngh." I stretch my body as I'm getting off the bed, well that was a mistake. "Oomf." I fell off the bed. "Dammit now by arm hurts." Oh well. I get up and smell pancakes. Dad probably woke up early again. I get off the floor and start getting ready for school. I put on a pink shirt with a blue sweater and black Nikes with a bit of white. I brush my hair slowly and put on my leaf headband.

"Sakura is that you?" I hear dad ask. Of course it's me who else would it be. "Yeah, I just fell off the bed." I giggle as I'm recalling the incident playing in my mind. I grab my backpack and roll it down the stairs. It was to heavy to be carried.

I walk down the stairs and leave my backpack on the floor as I walk towards the kitchen. I walk in amd see my dad getting the plate with pancakes set up. "Good morning, daddy!" I say with a big grin plastered on my face. "Good morning, sweetheart, did you sleep well?" "Yes, except for the part were I fell off the bed this morning. "Hahaha. I used to do that when I was a kid to." "Really?" "Yup, now eat your pancakes I have to take you to school early since I got a mission." Another one?????? Hearing this made me sad. "Okay, but when are Rin and Sasori coming back?" Yup, it's been six months since my sister and brother got a mission but never came back from it.

"Hopefully soon. They've been gone for a long time." "Yeah." Oh well I'll still wait for the.

I grab my fork and poke it into my pancakes. Then I started to eat little by little but finished eventually. After I finished my food I washed my plate and fork then, I put them away.

After that, I grab my backpack then started heading out the door looking for my father and the car. "Over here Sakura." After, I heard dads voice I turned to the left and saw him waiting outside the car door. Probably waiting for me to get in. I walk over and get in the backseat, then he closes the door for me. I put my seatbelt on then we started to drive towords the school which was just two blocks away......yeahhhhh soooo far.

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