"Oh so you have a brother. Where is he? If you don't mind me asking"

"Not at all love.  He lives with my mum. After the divorce he went to stay with her and I stayed here with dad".

"What about you? What is your family like?" Ash asks me.

"Well there's not much to tell, really. My mom is a teacher and dad runs a law firm. My younger sister Ally is still in high school".

"Okay, cool. So what are you planning to do after college?"

I smile when he asks me that. I've always kind of known what I wanted to do in life.

"Well I'm gonna be an artist and I want to paint and sell my work. Hopefully open a gallery and move to New York and invite lots of people and eat fancy finger food and drink lots of champagne"

"Wow! All that? Really?" Ash says chuckling.

"Well the main thing is the art. I guess".

"I think you're a work of art" He says to me and I think I swallowed my tongue.

I try to hide the fact that I'm blushing by looking down but he tilts my chin up like he did the first time.

"You have no reason to keep looking down, Kaia. Don't be nervous around me because believe it or not you make me nervous as hell too".

I look into his deep green eyes. They look godly under this much light. The wind blows gently across his face, ruffling his hair. I run my fingers through it putting it back into place.

"You never told me what you wanted to do after college" I ask Ash.

"Well Miss Kaia, just like you, I like art. Well, photography. I have a pretty good eye too. I want to showcase my photographs. I want everyone to know that I'm not just a pretty face, that I'm actually good at something too. Especially to my dad who thinks I'm not capable of doing anything good".

Ash looks down at the mention of his dad. I'm guessing they don't have a good relationship. I want to ask but I don't know if I should.

"You wanna know more about my dad? Because you look like you do" Ash chuckles.

"Um.. only if it's okay with you" I replied.

"Okay, well my dad isn't really a good role model. Not even a good person actually. The reason for the divorce was because my mum found out that he was doing illegal business stuff and she didn't want to be a part of it. She didn't want me and my brother to be a part of it. She fought hard for custody of both my brother and I but my dad must have paid off the judge or something. That's how I ended up with him".

"Wow. So you're involved in illegal....."

"No! Kaia I'm not. I swear. It's just my dad. He does business with the wrong people. That guy you saw in my room. His name's Brody. He usually buys whatever he's on from his boss but since my dad wasn't supplying anymore he came straight to me thinking I had a stash. Which I don't, just to be clear".

"Wait, so Brody's like in a gang or something?" I ask Ash, curious to know more.

"Yeah he is. He was a student at WCU but campus security caught him dealing outside the dorms. He got expelled".

"So you have no idea how he got into campus and found your room?" I ask.

"I really don't" Ash replied.

I decide not to ask more questions about his dad and his business. It must be hard to talk about a parent like that. Especially since he's involved in something wrong.

"Hey, I thought we were going to lunch?" I ask Ash.

"I've got lunch in the backseat, Kaia. I came prepared".

Wow. Good looks, good heart and a fully functional brainI'm impressed.

"Wait here, I'll be right back" Ash says as he heads back to the car.

I wait patiently, looking across the creek. It's absolutely beautiful. I pull out my phone to take a picture so I can remember this day and this lovely place.

Not long later, Ash returns with drinks and.... pizza? Oh my gosh. Way to go Ash!

"Did you have that in your car the entire time?" I ask curiously.

"Yep. Was trying my hardest for you not to get a whiff of it while we were in the car. Good thing you were busy blushing the entire way to notice" Ash says.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny" I say sarcastically.

"Now. Let's eat".

**above is a pic of the creek**

The drive back to campus was silent  but it wasn't awkward silence. Every now and then I glanced over at Ash to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Just before the road to school Ash pulled over on the side. 

"Is everything alright?" I asked him.

"Yep. Just wanted to ask you something".

"Okay. Well what is it?" I ask him. If he pulled us over, it must be hella important.

I turned to face him. He was looking at me seriously, almost as if he was nervous about what he was going to ask. He took a deep breath, exhaled then decided to speak.

"Kaia. I like you. I really do".

Oh god. He's going to say he never wants to see me again. Or this was fun but it's over now.

"I was hoping... that maybe we could do this again? I mean, not come here again if you don't want to but like hang out again. You and me".

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yes..wait-- isn't this already a date? Or not, I don't kn....."

"Yes!". I replied.

"Yes it's a date or?"

"No, silly. Yes I will go on a date with you".

"Okay. Good" He says before leaning in to kiss me.

His lips were soft. He was gentle, he didn't seem greedy for more or pushy to take things further. He was the perfect gentleman and I admired that. 

I held onto his hand the rest of the way back to campus.
I'm glad I decided to spend some time with him.

As we approached the school I could see campus security and some cops outside the dorms. I looked closely and saw Dani speaking to one of them.

Oh my gosh what the hell is going on?!

Ash quickly parked the car and we both got out. Dani came running towards me.

"Oh Kaia, thank heavens you're safe".

"Dani what the hell is happening?! Why are the cops here?" I asked her.

Ash came and stood beside me, listening to what Dani had to say.

"Why don't you ask him?" Dani says, pointing a finger at Ash.

"What did I do?" Ash says, he looks confused.

The cops spot Ash from across the car park and walk over to him.
One of them comes up and speaks to him.

"Ashton Parker, we are placing you under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs found on school property. You're coming down to the station buddy".

Life Of Kaia (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now