Second chances

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(Y/N) P.OV.

I flew away from the ground not knowing how to process these feelings. 'Why would he say that?' you thought to your self He's been nothing but rude and an ass, why would he do this to me...' you stopped on a nearby rooftop. 'Maybe he does care... from what the doctors told me, I guess he found me...' you sighed and looked down at your pale and delicate body 'There's no way he could claim he loves me... especially for gross I look now...' 

You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt a firm arm grab you from behind and pull you off of the house. By instinct, you wrapped your arm around their neck and hid your face in their chest. Sooner or later you felt the solid floor under your feet. You slowly looked up and noticed  a familiar face looking down at you "l-Levi..." You spoke with a shake in your voice. You were most focused on his eyes when he spoke "you God damn idiot! You could've been killed! You were almost grabbed by a filthy titan!"

You looked back and saw exactly what Levi had said, a titan really did try to grab you. You looked back at him and managed to stutter out one-word "the-thanks..." 

What really surprised you most where the words that followed after yours "you may be a moron but I hope that you'll be my moron..." With that, you felt him let you go standing you on your small feet and observed in confusion as he got down on one knee in front of you and pulled out a small red velvet box.

Before he could even get out one word your vision blurred as you brought your bony structured hands to your mouth. What really did it for you were the words he spoke about you.

 "(y/n), from the first moment I saw you walk through the mess hall doors I knew that you were perfect and that I had to have you, but my biggest flaw is that I'm not perfect... But I had to try... But when I saw how happy you were with Reiner I knew I didn't stand a chance but you were happy, which made me happy. But watching you fall apart as he was being killed really hit me hard. It just showed me that life is too short to be scared.  So will you (y/n) (l/n) marry me and become my world?" He said in a sweet tone.

When he had finished you immidiently dropped to your knees and sobbed into your hand's tears of joy. You looked up when you felt a big hand softly being placed on top of your head. The first thing you saw was truly amazing. You saw him smiling, and not a smirk, but a genuine smile.

You quickly whipped your eyes and smiles back at him. Your smile was not full of pain or suffering for once, this smile was pure and genuine. You looked him right in the eyes and said " Not even in my wildest dreams could I picture this scene playing out, I would not have been able to see humanities most sexist gnome soften up and propose to on a rooftop surrounded by Titans... But I couldn't see it any other way, so my answer to you Levi Ackerman is yes. Yes, I will be your moron. " you ended it off with a smile. 

You studied his face as it lit up with happiness. You next thing you knew you were picked up off of the roof and pulled into a tight, warm, and safe bear hug by two masculine arms as a phrase of words were being g whispered in your ear " I love you so fucking much"

{AOT} Hanging By A Thread [Complete]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora