The Truth Comes

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-- 2 weeks  later--

Over the course of the following weeks since the expedition your appetite had been next to none. You've nibbled on what you brought to you daily. As your health decreased the number of scars and cuts that lined your frail and pale are only Increased. 

You haven't left the depressing comfort of your poorly lit office thinking about what could've been. One day you had enough thinking and remembering. You rose from your seat and shuffled to your bathroom. As your gloomy presence filled the room your eyes scanned for a bottle full of pills. Once your eyes landed on it you lunged at it and opened it. You poured out at least five pills or more. You bunch them around in your hand and thought, "no regrets, no pain, no more shame."

 You brought your hand to your mouth and forced the pills down your dry throat and swallowed hard. As you were sure they were all down you sluggishly walked back to your office chair but stopped suddenly when your vision became blurred. You looked around the room and saw everything start to spin. The once solid objects started to fuse with its surrounding items. Your head started to pound and all the spinning colors merged into one never-ending blackness causing you to fall the floor with a thud.


I took my seat next to Erwin for lunch and watched the great oak doors flood with cadets. I watched intensely at the sea of the heads of the cadets searching for a woman who's eyes sparkle like the stars on a clear night, whose hair is as soft and shiny as a pond sitting at peace with itself, and whose voice could cure the sick and damaged. 

As the last cadet walked in I didn't see her. I looked at my food in pure worried and thought to my self, " Why must she torment me like this? I surely would have thought that she would attend us again... What's taking her so long? Is she okay? " My mind raced to all the possible reasons. While I tried to subside the negative thoughts with hopeful possibilities, The negative thoughts became dominate.

I quickly ran out of the mess hall ignoring the confused stares biting into the back of my head. I didn't stop running until I became face to face with the all too familiar solid oak door that proudly held her name on it. I slowly knocked and began speaking, " (y/n)? Can I come-"

I was cut off but the sudden thud that emitted from the opposite side of the door. My heart rate quickened as I placed my hand on the cool knob and turned it. I poked my head in the dark room and took note of how unkempt it had become. I stepped in and continued to scan the room until my eyes locked with a mortifying figure in the middle of the room, laying in the floor.

I didn't hesitate to rush over to it and kneel behind it. I slowly placed my hand on the figure's shoulder and turned it over to be presented with my worst fear. In front of me was a severely underweight (y/n) who's once (s/c) tone was shifted to an unhealthy grey. 

A lump in my throat started to form. I carefully picked her and hugged her into my chest. I examined her body closer and realized that even the darkness of the room couldn't mask the cuts that lay deep within her arm. I had finally lost it. The lump in my throat moved to my eyes as a steady stream of pained tears fell.

 "The only person I cared- no loved, the most is laying in my arms possibly dead." I thought to my self and my grip was securely fastened on her as my tears fell on to her course like figure. 

Little had I known that the remains of the squad had filed into her office and surrounded us. I looked up with bloodshot eyes and studied their faces. They were all full of hurt and sadness. I didn't feel comfortable with them all staring. 

I slowly and carefully rose up from the floor with her limp body hanging in my arms. I turned on my feet and headed to the Infirmary. 

Once I stepped in I was greeted by a nurse who knew how serious the situation was just by glancing at her state of being. She motioned me over to a bed and had me place her on the white bleached cleaned sheets. After I did I stepped back and watched As They started their process. I stared at them intently until I was pulled from my gaze when a small old grey haired nurse wrapped her arm around mine and lead me to the waiting room. I refused to fight her on it and kept walking to the door. Before it had time to shut on me I glanced at her bed one last time but was cut short by the door blocking my view. 

I sighed and left to my room to revive a small box and shoved it into my pocket and matched back to the waiting room

--2 hours later--

I sat hunched over in a chair playing with the small box until the squeak of the white Infirmary opened and out stepped a doctor. I immediately shit up from my chair and faces him at the door. "is she okay?" I question with a worried look.

 I watched as the doctor shoved his hands on his pockets and sighed, "well...'

{AOT} Hanging By A Thread [Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora