As your world crumbles

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You flew out of the gate as a group and then slowly split into your assigned flanks. You were tasked with the middle flank. As you lead your team through the unknown world outside of the walls that belonged to the Titans, you were soon spotted by two 17meter titans. "Switch to 3DMG half of you distract and the other half hit!" You yelled as you flew off of your horse and waited for an opening. When you saw it, you took it. You flipped your blades around and lunged at the titan nape. When you were close enough you drew your weight back and flung it forward and spun your blades on its nape. after doing so you watched as Levi took down the other one. You joined your squad members on a nearby branch," Amazing job guys!" you say as you scan the group. Then you realized," hey guys, where is Reiner and Berthold?" "AAAHHH!!!" You look back down at the floor and see Reiner and Berthold being chased by two 4 meter titans. You stood on the branch staring in pure horror and you watched Berthold being swallowed whole with a scream of bloody murder. You then scanned the field for Reiner. When you found him he was in the grip of a titan that was not any bigger than  6meters. With pure anger boiling in you, you start walking to the edge of the tree limb. You were stopped by a hand on your shoulder. You look back and make eye contact with Levi," Don't go down there, if we lose you it's all over for us" "If I lose him then its all over for me!" You yell at him and you brush his hand off and fly down in attempts to save him. Sadly, little did you know, right under that branch was a 15-meter titan waiting for its next meal, and it was you. As your attention was glued you saving Reiner you didn't see the titan hand that was being thrown at you until it was too late. Your body was being crushed and squeezed. You felt each of your ribs crack and snap. What you heard was even worse, but that didn't matter because the sound of the cracking bones was drowned out by the ear-splitting scream you let out. Then, all at once the pain stopped, time seemed to slow down, you looked at Reiner as the small titan was placing him in his mouth. The last words that he managed to mouth were," I love you." and with that, he was gone. A single tear had fallen as you knew what your fate had been set out to be. You weren't sad nor mad. you were happy. You'd be away from this hell on earth and be heaven with Reiner. You closed your eyes and waited for death. but it never came. All the heat that had once been in your body from the hand of the titan had left, now you felt the cool air of the midday. You opened your eyes and realized that you were falling. You were less pleased with this end but you were happy to take it. You closed your eyes and waited to hit the blood covered floor. Instead, you felt your self flying through the air. With little conciseness, you had left you opened your eyes and saw Levi's face. Only, it had emotion, it showed worry face and teary eyes. Only these tears didn't seem like sadness. Oh no, these were tears of happiness. Then that was the last thing you saw in your wake. Then it went black and numb.

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