Chapter 1: The Truth Comes Out

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This will contain drug use, underage drinking, smoking, black marketing, prostitution, underage gambling, foul language, violence, illegal gambling, corruption, harrassment, sexism, homo and transphobia, murder, discrimination, and war is a very prominent theme. Please be advised, I will post warning at the beginning of every chapter for anyone that needs it.

This is in the process of being edited. Any chapter beginning with a star near the warning (*Warning) means the chapter has been edited. 

(*Warning: Violence)

It was a well known fact by this point that Hermione Granger was a very skilled witch, and proficient in all fields of magic. To anyone who didn't worship Harry Potter, it was obvious that she was the brains of their trio, and without her it would be very unlikely that Harry would have survived to fifth year.

This fact, it seems, was not overlooked by Albus Dumbledore, who, following the extraction of a Miss Dolores Umbridge from Hogwarts, requested to meet with Hermione before she departed for the year.

The year without a doubt was the strangest one yet- and Hermione was no stranger to strange years. So despite her desire to return home to her parents, she was obliged to meet wiht Dumbledore a mere hour before the train was due to depart.

She didn't know the password, and no amount of knocking had so far allowed her in. After ten minutes she turned to leave, anxious of missing the train, frustrated he had forgotten their meeting, and as her eyes land on the man himself coming down the corridor, she was now irritated. One might even say pissed off.

"Ah, Miss Granger. You've received my message, of course? My apologies for my tardiness, there were some things I had to sort out. Shall we go inside?" At her nod, he cheerily says the password- Red Vines- and the grand doors open. She stares around the room as she follows him up the moving staircase. There were so many books on the shelves, old tomes that demanded her awe-filled attention as she takes in their titles. Her hunger for knowledge was one that could never be satisfied no matter how often she attempted to fill it.

"Now I must be honest with you of why I wished to meet with you. You see, Sybill has had a vision," Hermione rolls her eyes. "of a most concerning nature. My death will come next year- oh no, Miss Granger, I do not need your sympathy. I am a very old man, it's to be expected that i must pass at some point or another- but that is not the vision that she has had." Dumbledore takes a small box out of his desk and sets it before himself.

"She has predicted that Harry Potter is going to die. You have seen first hand that Lord Voldemort has returned; he is gaining power, strength, followers. He will win the final battle, and this world will be eliminated. You yourself, will be eliminated under his new rule."

"But sir, surely there are measures that can be taken! Harry can't die, the prophecy itself said he has to kill You-Know-Who!"

"That would be incorrect. It stated that neither of them can live while the other survives. In the end, one of them is going to have to die. We cannot allow this to happen." At this, he opens the box. "I trust you are familiar with this?" She carefully lifts the time-turner from its box.

"But sir, I thought we destroyed them all in the battle at the Ministry?"

"It's a very special time-turner, Miss Granger. I made it myself, I was always very good with runes. This will take you straight back to 1944. If you can make sure Tom Riddle never comes to power, it will bring you right back to this time now. We won't have to worry about the future if you can change the past."

"Sir, surely there are Aurors more qualified for this then I am. Others, who are adults, there must be." Dumbledore shakes his head.

"No, no. It must be you. You will find a solution that will not result in the boy's death, I'm sure of it. Besides, you are young. You will blend in well. I trust you will be able to figure it out."

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