"No." Was my immediate answer.

But he was unfazed by my answer. "NO!" He shouted. "You HAVE to join the boxing club! You'd be EXTREMELY prefect for it!" He got right up to my face and clutched both my hands in his. "Come! Let's go right now!" He yelled and started sprinting towards the school.

"H-HEY!" I yelled but his grip was strong against my wrist and I have no choice but to be dragged along with him.

In minutes, I find myself in front of the school gates. It was still early morning and the only people streaming in are the ones who have morning activities.

I bend down and panted in exhaustion. I have never run that fast before in my life and it was for no apparent reason at all. Ryohei turned to me with admiration in his eyes, his hand still not letting go of my wrist.

"OOOHHH!!! You're just what I expected! You even managed to keep up with my extreme speed! You extremely need to join the boxing club right now!!" He yelled and proceeded to pull me towards the building where all the extracurricular activities are held at.

"W-Wait Sasagawa-san!" I tried to protest but his persistence was too much for me to handle.

"No need for formalities! Call me Ryohei!" He gave me a thumbs up and I was stunned by his cluelessness.

"Onii-chan!" A cute voice called out towards us.

Kyoko-chan ran towards us with two bags in her arms. "Mou Onii-chan! You forgot your bag again!" She chided.

"Haha! Sorry about that Kyoko!" Ryohei sheepishly laughed and scratched his head.

I sighed happily. 'Well, at least this day isn't all that bad... At least, I got to see Kyoko-chan.'

She noticed me standing there and gave me a beaming smile that almost blinded me. "Ah! Tsuna-kun! I hope my brother isn't bothering you too much." She bowed politely.

"A-Ah....N-No. He isn't!" I waved my hands in a fluster, wincing inwardly at my stupid stutter.

"Of course I'm not Kyoko! I just want Sawada here to join my boxing club!"

"Mou Onii-chan! Stop hounding people to join your club!" She pouted and then turned to me.

"Sorry Tsuna-kun. I know how persistent my brother is. Let me know if he keeps bothering you." She smiled again, a shy one.

My heart melted at the sight of her smile. 'She's just so cute when she smiles....' I swept a glance at her brother. 'I wonder how such a cute girl could have an extreme brother like him....' I sighed.

The school bell rang while we're still standing there at the gates and I notice an annoyed Skylark coming our way.

Seems like Ryohei noticed it too because he gave me a wave before dashing away.

"See you after school at the club Sawada!!" He yelled as he ran.

'But I never agreed to it!' I wanted to scream but refrain from doing so because Kyoko-chan is still with me.

"It's been a while since I saw Onii-chan with such a happy expression on his face. I don't know what you did but thank you Tsuna-kun." She bowed before heading towards the school building.

I Didn't Ask For This Life (KHR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now