[5] Everyone Has Secrets

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A/N: Okay, so this chapter is longer, and has a pretty big bombshell in it. OooOoOOoOo. Also, this chapter appears to be rated R. ;-; 

Vocab to know: Binder- a vest like compression shirt that FtM transgender guys use to appear flat chested. 

FtM: Female to male

Once again, thanks so much to Emily, my constant fan and friend, whom I will always appreciate and adore. Seriously guys, this girl is amazing!





(A/N: HA, bet you weren’t expecting that were you?)

I jogged slowly into the mall, bouncing slightly on the balls of my feet. Honestly, I was really looking forward to meeting Jesse’s sister. If she was anything like Jesse, she would be damn beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, that reminded me of that guy in chemistry. I nibbled on my lip, staring vacantly at the wall as I walked aimlessly forward. Preston was gorgeous. Like, really really attractive. The corner of my lip twitched upwards as I remembered the way he seemed so desperate to get away from me. Boy did NOT like attention. That would be a bit of a problem, seeing as how I could just stare at his pretty gray eyes for hours on end. But that would make me a little bit more than slightly creepy. I shrugged and rolled my eyes. Oh well, who really cares anyways.

The thing that really irked me, like totally made me want to throw a tantrum worthy of Kim Kardashian, was the fact that he ran away from me. I mean, I’m not oblivious. I KNOW I make people uncomfortable. But the fact that he avoided me all week…well it really hurt my ego.

That was the point that I realized I had been talking to myself. Loudly. Very, very loudly.


I swiveled around and groaned. Nice. Who called the damn security guard?

“Yes officer?” I replied sweetly, batting my lashes.

He grunted and rolled his eyes. Damn, that apparently only worked when blond girls with huge tits did it. Or in really bad gay porn. Damn it Lonnie, can’t you keep your mind off of porn for two minutes?

“Are you alright, young man?” he asked, looking slightly annoyed. An odd contrast to his words, let me tell you.

“Yes Sir, I’m fine.” I said cheerfully, twiddling my thumbs, “Just forgot to take my meds this morning is all.”

He opened his mouth in alarm and I immediately dashed off in the opposite direction without another word.




I was huffing and puffing worse than the big bad wolf when I saw him and instantly faltered.

“P-Preston!” I stuttered, and sprinted towards him.

His head whipped around and his silver eyes widened in shock when he saw me running full speed at him. Unfortunately, I had never been the best at running. Or stopping.

“Fuck,” yelled Preston as the two of us tumbled into a large display of lingerie outside Victoria’s Secret. When his head finally popped up out of the sea of panties we currently swam in, he had a neon green thong covering his face and a bra halfway stuffed into his mouth. I started to laugh and choked, realizing that I myself had an odd looking pair of undies shoved down my esophagus. Well, not quite that deep, but hey, I was traumatized, cut me some slack.

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