Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me Chapter 8

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Noel forced me to stand up so he could pull out the bed from the sofa so we both could sleep in it. I stayed up even though the lights were completely turned off. I was in deep thought.

Why did Lord Death decide to give me a mission? Especially one in London. Is there something going on between Soul and Maka? Their relationship is like mine and Noel's but they seem to like each other. Always looking at each other. And what about Liz and Noel? I see the way they look at each other. Back to the mission. What did the witch do to me? Why do I always get random agonizing pain? Why didn't Maka want to hurt me when we first met?

"Still can't sleep?" a voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Kid standing in front of me. It was hard to see him since he was in all black and the moonlight was shining on me and not him. The only reason I saw him was because of his gold eyes and white stripes.

"Come on." he said holding out his hand. I looked at it then grabbed it. He pulled me up and we walked out onto the balcony.

"I know we haven't known each other for long but I know there's something on your mind bugging you, and if you ever decide you need to talk to someone I'm here for you. We all are. We aren't bad people, really. You can trust us.. Well... I'm not so sure about Black Star... He's kind of crazy." he chuckled. I smiled at the last part. Maybe I could trust these people...

"So... Do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" he asked. I looked down at the city and shook my head. I wasn't ready to open up to anyone yet.

"That's okay, whenever you're ready. Take all the time you need, none of us are going anywhere anytime soon." he smiled at me. I just stared at him.

I had a bad feeling when he said that. Why do I feel that I'll be the one going somewhere?

"Come on. Get some rest. You really need it considering all of what you've been through." he said walking back inside. I followed him and went to Noel. I looked up and saw him looking at me from his bed.

"Good night Shadow." he whispered and laid down on his bed. I did the same and pulled the covers up to my chin. Good night Kid, good night.

I didn't have a dream last night. Nothing. Just black.

"Shadow, wake up." Someone shook me. I opened my eyes and saw Maka staring down at me. I sat up and saw everyone in the room. I looked at the clock and saw that it said 10:00.

"Kid said to let you sleep in since you did have a crappy day yesterday." Noel explained. I nodded and got up. I walked to the bathroom and fixed my hair and brushed my teeth and applied my makeup.

"Ready to go?" asked Soul. I nodded. We walked out of the hotel, after paying of course, and began walking farther downtown. Mostly bad people hang around down here so I figured that the Kishin would be down here.

After walking for two hours we sat down to eat since Black Star kept complaining about how he was starving. It's crazy how much him and Soul eat.

"Why hello pretty ladies..." said a creepy old fat man. I looked up from my tea. He and his buddies jumped back a little. That was good.

"What do you want?" snapped Maka.

"Just... Some fun.." The man placed a finger under mine and Maka's chin leaning towards us a little.

"Yeah... Fun." his other buddies did the same to the other girls. I glared at the man touching me.

"Hey! Leave them alone!" yelled Soul and Noel at the same time.

"Or what?" laughed the man touching me. I grew irritated and disgusted by the second.

"I really don't want to hurt you." growled Noel.

"I do." Soul glared at the guy touching Maka.

"I'd like to see you try." they all began laughing. The guy kissed Maka and Liz's cheek. The two went crazy. I whipped my dagger out and cut the guys arm.

"You freak!" he screamed at me. Soul and Noel ripped the guys off the other girls while I glared at the one I cut. I stood up and pointed my dagger at him.

"You think you can hurt me little girl?" he taunted me. In a swift movement I held the dagger at his throat. His eyes went wide and he gulped.

"What are you doing?!" exclaimed Kid. I kept my eye on the guy in front of me.

"H-hey, I'm sorry for bugging you guys... Please don't kill me." he whimpered. I kicked him and sent him to the ground. He and his buddies scurried off. Two had nose bleeds, thanks to Soul and Noel.

"Were you going to kill that man?" Kid asked me. I sat down and sipped my tea like nothing happened.

"Well?" he asked.

"She never had the intention to kill him, she doesn't kill people." Noel told him.

"That was close though." He sat in front of me.

"She just did that to scare him." Noel explained. Kid sighed. We finished and began our walk again. Soul stood close to Maka and Liz clung onto Noel while Patty sang happily.

"I don't like this side of England... It's scary..." Whimpered Liz.

"Oh don't worry big sis! We'll be okay!" Patty tried to cheer up her sister.

Again I felt that familiar pain. I dropped to my knees and shut my eyes tightly.

"Shadow!" they all screamed.

Getting enough of that pain?

I looked around to see who said that. I grabbed my side saw no one. Everyone was just staring at me with worry in their eyes.

You want it to stop? All you have to do is one little thing...

I realized the voice was in my head. I screamed as the pain got even worse. Maka tried to touch me but got shocked.

"Ow!" she exclaimed. Everyone looked slightly scared and confused.

If you want it to stop then kill them. All of them. Show them no mercy.

My eyes widened. It was the witch! I looked at the others. I am NOT going to kill them...

Just think about it...

The pain went away. I stood up and wobbled a little. I looked around for the witch. There was no sign of her.

"What is going on?" asked Noel again. I kept walking. This wasn't the time to discuss this.

"This really isn't normal. Something is going on. What did that witch do to you?" asked Soul.

I stopped walking and turned around. I stared at him with a blank expression. I had no clue what she did to me.

"Maybe we should get out of the street... Cause there's a car zooming towards us!" screamed Liz. We all turned and surely there was a black van coming towards us.

Them being idiots just stood there and stared. I pushed them all onto the side before the car killed us. I glared at them.

"That was fun! Let's do it again!" cheered Patty. Everyone gave her a look.

We began walking again and almost got hit by a car multiple times. This was the most horrible side of England.


Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I'll proof read once I get computer. Be sure to vote/comment/fan/favorite! Oh! And share!

Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant