Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me Chapter 7

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"Is it permanent?" Tsubaki asked worriedly. I listened closely.

"I'm not sure... I'd have to ask my father. Someone hand me a mirror." Kid said.

"Here you go Kid!" I heard Patty's cheery voice.

"THIS IS NOT SYMMETRICAL! THIS IS ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" Kid screamed. I hit where I heard his voice. I was satisfied when I heard him groan.

"Kid!" everyone screamed.

He apologized and said some numbers and then I heard that ridiculous  voice again.

"Hello son! How ya doin?" Asked, as they call him, Lord Death.

"Father, I have a question about a witch we encountered." He said.

"A witch?" his father asked.

"Yes, just two hours ago we fought one and she did something to Shadow, making her scream in agonizing pain and now she's blind, is it permanent?" he questioned his father.

"What did the witch look like?" his father asked.

"Well... She had black hair that looked kind of like feathers. She dressed in a black dress with a bird head as the hood and shot out ravens." Kid described.

"Ah! Aiah... She's an odd witch. What she hit Shadow with was a blinding shock which is only temporary." explained his father.

"How long is temporary?" asked Noel.

"Hello! And only a couple of hours." he said.

"Thanks father." Kid said.

"Good luck on your mission!" his father cried cheerfully.

"So... How are we going to do this if Shadow is the only one that knows their way around here?" Soul asked.

I tried to get up from the bed and fell onto the floor. I growled in anger. I stood up and flopped onto someone. They held me up.

"Woah, maybe you should sit down." said Maka. She tried to sit me down but I stayed standing.

"She's not going to listen. Try to put her on my back." I heard Noel say. When someone grabbed my I smacked their hand out of the way.

"Fine. Sit on the bed and I lift you up." Noel sighed. Maka sat me down. The only reason I knew it was her was because she was the only one who wore gloves, other than me.

I felt my hands being pulled by someone and being pulled into their back. Noel put his hands under my thighs and pulled me up higher.

"Shadow... You're going to have to talk in order for us to travel." Said Liz.

"Or we can go on a subway and I can ask her where we get off on and she can nod." Noel suggested.

"But do you know where a subway is?" asked Tsubaki.

"We passed one while we ran toward the witch." he said.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my chest. My grip tightened on Noel. I felt him tense up.

"Shadow? Are you okay?" he asked in a worried voice.

The pain got strong and whimpered. I let go and fell to the floor screaming. I arched my back and kept screaming.

"Shadow!" they all screamed.

After a couple horrifying minutes of pain it all stopped.

"The hell was that?" Asked Black Star.

"I don't know... Should we stay?" asked Noel. I shook my head hopping he was looking at me. He sighed and threw me on his back again.

"Are we going downtown or uptown?" he asked. I thought for a second and pointed down.

Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now