Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me Chapter 3

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"Hey, you okay? You look paler..." Maka says putting her hand on me. She looks worried. I take a step back and subconsciously move closer to Noel. My heart thumps rapidly in my chest and I feel sweat beginning to form on my hands.


"Yeah, you look like you've seen a ghost." Black Star butts in standing in front of me and staring at me.  Noel shoves his head out of the way for me and Black Star just continues staring at us curiously.

Everyones eyes turn towards me with the same expression on Makas face. I grip onto Noels mint green sweater and his eyes shoot down to mine. He senses my distress. I feel myself becoming light headed and look around the room to calm myself down. I lock eyes with Kid who is now sitting up straight in his chair looking at us curiously.

"Don't you think it's too early to send them?" asks Tsubaki looking from Lord Death to me. He bends his body in an odd shape leaning towards Noel who takes a step back from him.

"Nonsense! I saw you guys fighting! She looks more than ready! If she can take out the kishin with only her partner then she surely can take out a few by herself with no problem!" he claps his giant hands together.

"So why send all of us father?" Kid asks getting up from his chair and walking to where all of us stand. All their eyes turn to lord death awaiting his answer.

"Well I thought it'd be a good idea to send my strongest stu-" he begins but gets cut off by a holler.

"WOOHOO! DID YOU HEAR THAT TSUBAKI?! HE JUST CALLED ME THE STRONGEST STUDENT! HAHA I TOLD YOU I WAS REAL BIG STAR! I AM THE GREATEST ASSASSIN IN THE- Oof!" Maka grabs her book and slams onto his head causing blood to squirt up from his head.

"Be quiet Black Star! He's trying to explain!" Maka scolds him and returns her attention to an annoyed looking Lord Death.

"As I was saying, I though it'd be a good idea to send my strongest and best students to accompany them on their very first quest. You can show them how to collect their souls and what it is to be a DWMA student." He finishes explaining to us. Suddenly the doors burst open and a man with red hair and a black suit comes dashing towards Soul and Noel. He looks angry at the both of them. The two boys side step his attack and stare at him. Soul looks annoyed.

"You stay away from my Maka!" screams the red haired man charging towards them again.

"Shut up you old man, I don't want your flat chested daughter anyway." Soul responds looking away from the man. Maka looks angry at Soul and grabs her book ready to Maka chop him.

"REAPER CHOP! Spirit be quiet!" huffs Lord Death growing more irritated by all the interruptions. He slams his hand onto Spirits head, causing to fall mid leap. Spirit is out cold with blood shooting from his head.

"Who is that anyway?" asks Noel pointing at Spirit. A puddle of drool mixed with his blood begins to form around his mouth. 

"My dad..." Maka says with a disgusted and embarrassed face.

"Oh and Kid, someone came here to see you and Black Star." Kids father speaks up looking at his son and the now awaken Black Star.

"W-" they begain.

"FOOL!" screams some ugly midget thing. It's all white with a pointed nose and holds a white cane towards the two boys. He wears only a jacket and a top how that match the colour of his skin.

"NOT AGAIN." their faces turn sour and they run out the door before the midget can speak more.

"We'll be back Lord Death. And we won't let you down on this mission." Maka bows her head and has a hard determined expression on. Maka and Soul begin to walk in the direction Kid and Black Star took off. Liz sighs next to us and drags her sister along.

Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now