Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me Chapter 12

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"Can you guys sense that?" Maka asked wide eyed. Her legs began to quiver as she stared straight ahead.

Something big was coming. No, it was already here. Something powerful was right above us. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"What's going on?" Asked Liz walking up to Kid looking around. Patty joined Kid and her sister while Tsubaki stood next to Black Star.

A loud screech erupted shattering all the glass around and inside the arcade. I dropped down to my knees holding my ears as the screech pierced through my eardrum. Everyone in the arcade began to scream and rushed towards the door to escape. My eyes widened when a man stepped through the doors was was instantly torn in half by claws. This caused more panic in the arcade. People began shoving and crying trying to hide so they could survive.

"Liz! Patty!" Called out Kid. Instantly the two sister turned into twin guns and Kid got ready to fight. Maka already had Soul in scythe form. Noel was waiting for me so he could transform into a weapon.

The ceiling broke and down came a Kishin. It was a nude colour with skin that seemed burned and ripped open. Blood and some brownish green colour oozed from its wounds. It had long limbs and instead of fingers it had razors. It stabbed a person and screeched once more. People began screaming and shoving to get out of the building.

"Let's go!" Noel transformed into his weapon form and I quickly let four arrows whiz, perfectly hitting the Kishin hand. He screeched again and turned its head towards me. When it's eyes locked with mine I felt my body grow cold and froze. My body began to tremble and my eyes widened as I kept staring at it. They widened even more when it began charging towards me.

"What are you doing?! Get out of the way!" Screamed Maka and charged towards the Kishin and failed to strike him with Soul since he easily dodged her attack. Suddenly I was tackled to the side almost getting sliced by one of its claws.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you move? Forget it, we have to kill this thing before it kills any more people." Kid turned towards the Kishin and began rapidly shooting at him.

The Kishens eyes had the power to freeze someone. When it locked eyes with me I couldn't feel my body  and felt fear take over me. My eyes widened when I noticed Maka freeze as well. Her green eyes widened and terror was clear on her face. I let a series of arrows whiz towards the Kishins neck before it could attack her. It roared in agony and jumped out through the hole it created in the ceiling.

"What the hell Maka?! You could've gotten killed you idiot! What were you thinking freezing up right there?!" Soul screamed at Maka who still looked terrified. Soul stopped screaming when he noticed the look on her face.

"I don't mean to interrupt you stupid love birds but we're letting the Kishin get away! But don't worry! The mighty Black Star will stop it!" Black Star shouted getting ready to chase after it. This idiot will die if he goes after it alone. Quickly I tackled him to the ground. He began screaming and kicking at me angry that I would take his spotlight.

I grit my teeth as I felt the familiar pain course through my body. My blood felt as if it were boiling and someone was crushing every bone in my body. Suddenly I felt a shock go through my body. I began screaming digging my nails into Black Star who was also screaming.

"Black Star! Shadow!" Screamed Liz running towards us.

Who ever touched me would get the same pain as I was getting which is why BlackStar was also screaming. I mustered all my strength to move from the monkey boy and kicked Liz before she could actually touch me. The pain began to die down and I began to cough up blood.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz