(26) Tattooed Man

Start from the beginning

     I quickly lifted my hand to cover his mouth with my finger.

     "I told you. Don't make me your reason. Be a strong man, not just for me, but for yourself too", I honestly say with a genuine smile.

     Romeo looked like he wanted to argue, but he nods his head and leans forward, giving me another quick kiss on the lips, "Then I'll be waiting for you downstairs. I won't start eating until you come."

     Romeo lets go of me. And without waiting for my answer, he leaves the room.

     When the door closed, I sighed and walked back to bed. I lay down and stared at the chandelier of this fancy-looking room in this fancy-looking house, rewinding the past events so I'd remember how I actually got here in the first place.

     By the way, my name is Julien Choi. A 28-year-old prostitute in an exclusive club called Club Luxuria. People there call me Number 24, but actually, I prefer people calling me Black Angel, the next head of one of the most famous gang in the world, the Dark Saints.

     I've killed hundreds, no, maybe even thousands of men. They feared me, and I loved the feeling of how they'd look away whenever I arrive.

     But now, all I get are stares. Disgusting stares in the club, and even in this household.

     No one fears me; they all laugh and think I'm just a slut who seduced Romeo to get out of my miserable life.

     But they're all wrong.

     I'm here because I love that man.

     I don't need his wealth, because I already have plenty under my name. I can go back home and claim all my riches if I have to if all they're concerned about is money. I don't need his protection either, because I can protect myself better than anyone. All I need from Romeo is for him to stay by my side, and I will do the same for him for the rest of my life.

    I've been treated like dirt even when I was young, and Romeo was the only person who held me like I was his most precious diamond.

     Romeo wants nothing more than revenge, and I will do everything I can to help him achieve it, especially after what they've done to Johnson.

     I know he's trying his best not to show his anger towards the Dark Saints because he's afraid he'd end up disrespecting me in some way, because even if I deny it, they're my family too. But little does he know, even before him, all I wanted was to destroy them as well.

     Romeo is now one of the most feared men in the world. He was officially declared the Godfather of the Valentino Family five days ago, and two days ago we had Johnson's funeral. And ever since that day, Romeo somehow became...empty.

     You'd feel like his body is in the room but his actual self is gone, drifting away somewhere no one can find. At times I see him spacing out too; drinking all night outside the balcony until he passes out.

    It pains me to see the man I love act that way, especially when I know that most of it was because of me. At times I wished I didn't meet him, but I know both of us would immediately disagree. And if we were given a chance to go back in time, I'm pretty sure Romeo and I would do it all over again.

     Our love story is complicated, but we're not finishing it like how Romeo & Juliet stupidly did. We're only beginning, and we'll definitely make sure we have our well-deserved happy ending.


     "Our drug trades begun again just yesterday. We're definitely back in business", I heard someone say as I was slowly walking down the halls towards the dining room.

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