Chapter 17

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Samantha's P.O.V

I look into his eyes and he stares at me. It's all happened to quickly. He tilted my chin up and placed his lips onto mine. I was shocked for a nice three seconds, but I kissed back eventually.

He kissed me, Shawn has kissed me. He pulled away and smiled at me and I smile back.

"That's my son!" We jumped apart as the tv blared. I giggle slightly and look back at him.

"So I just thought you should know, I really like you, like really like you." He says to me.

"Well, don't worry because I really like you too." I say back.

"Since we both really like each other, do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks and my immediate answer is yes.

"Of course, but I don't know what Jack and Sam are going to say." I bite my lip nervously and look down at my hands.

"I see, but because I'm just an amazing person I already asked them permission."

"In that case, it's a billion times yes with no doubt." I say and smile more than when someone offers to watch toddlers in tiaras or Harry Potter with me.

"On the topic of really liking things, I really like the way your eyes have a spark in them when you're interested in something. It shows your aren't shallow." He says in all seriousness. I lay my head on his shoulder and smile watching the last part of the movie. He kisses my forehead and I can't help but keep smiling. The door bursts open revealing legit everyone, with Nash in the front.

"Did I not tell you this would happen?" He shouts and points.

"What do you mean happen?" I ask playing dumb and I look up at shawn giving him that 'play along' look.

"You two together?" He says with a smile on his face.

"We aren't together Nash." I trail off.

"Oh, well in that case. Let's back it up." He slowly backs up but knocks into Sam.

"Dude, way to ruin it?" Matt says smacking him.

"Ruin what?" I say still playing oblivious and I look up at shawn.

"Well..." He replies. I decide to cut the chase and turn back to the rest of the guys.

"I'm just playing you guys, so Nash you were right." I say smiling.

"Yeah! Nash is always right." He gives his fake smug look and turns around.

"Pay up fools." He says and everyone except Cameron and Matt gives him five bucks, but he turns to Jack and Sam.

"Pay up fools, you lost." Nash says to them.

"We never said he wouldn't ask her out. We just didn't know when, we knew it was soon though." Sam replies.

"Yeah, we kinda knew he was going to because he asked if he could date her." Jack says and laughs.

"Were you guys in all seriousness betting on us?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry. We just were bored and we have no lives." Matt says.

"So how many of you were right?" I ask.

"Only Nash, Matt, and Cameron. That's excluding your brother and Sam." Carter answers.

"Well if this love fest is over I would like to go to bed, so everyone out including you love bird number one." Aaron looks at everyone near the door then me. We all shuffle out and Shawn follows me.

"Bug, seven the latest for tomorrow okay?" Sam shouts down the hallway.

"Yeah, okay. Nighty!"

"Night Bug." He says then steps into his room, the door closing behind him.

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