Ten|The Past Is The Past

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"You know what I hate the most?" I stared into Jarvis eyes as he cook in his kitchen. After he left from work he came and got me, told me it was a surprise. "What?" He questioned. "I hate how my parents expect me to like somebody I don't know." I roll my eyes eating on a piece of toast he put in the oven earlier.

"If you move out your parents house it would be so much better for you. Who is this mysterious guy they trying to hook you up with?" He asked.

"His name is Dale..."

"Sound like a lame."

A smirk appeared on my face he was a little jealous how cute? "So what's is the big surprise?"

"You going to see." He kept being so secretive, but I was so eager to find out. "I hate surprises." I playfully roll my eyes. "And I hate that your ass is sitting on my counter." He joked. "So let me. Your not going to do nothing about it." I teased him. "Is that so?" He furrowed his eyebrow walking close to me. When we was face to face, I couldn't help but to stare at his muscular body, no lie his wife is blessed to have him. We stared into each other eyes, until he started to tickle me.

"J.. Ja.. Jarvis stop!" I said in between laughs.

"Or what?" He pause to stare at me. "Or... Ima tickle you." I started tickling him back for my revenge. He laugh, and it was so adorable, I didn't even knew he was ticklish. "Stop Topaz." He continue to laugh. I threw my hands in the air, "okay. Now we even." I sat back down on his counter top.

We kept staring into each other eyes, and suddenly his body came closer to mines, when his lips was close to mines, my heart began beating out of my chest. I didn't want to mess our friendship up in plus he have a wife. As bad as I wanted to kiss him, I just couldn't push myself to do it. "Oh my god your going to let the food burn!" I shouted. He move back quickly as his stove began to catch a fire.

"Get the extinguish!" He shouted.

"Where is it?" I panic.

"Right there." He pointed.

I pick it up quickly as he took it away from me and began to put down the fire. I cough from the strong smell.


It wasn't nobody but God punishing me. As soon as my lips was about to crash against her, a fire had to start. When I put down the fire, I carried Topaz out of my house so she can breathe in some fresh air.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Is you okay?" She ask in return. "I'm fine, just kind of mad I couldn't surprise you."

"What was the surprise?" She looked pissed which made me laugh. Instead of talking, I grab her hand leading her to my backyard. We went through the woods that lead to a abandon house.

"What is this?" She question.

"My biggest secret." I told her.

As we walk inside the abandon house it was covered in paintings from a long time ago.

"Wow. This is so beautiful.. Did you draw all of this?" Her fingers ran across my paintings. "Yeah."
"What is this?"

It was a big sheet that covered one of my paintings. "Your surprise... So close your eyes." I put my hands over her face as I removed the sheet.

I counted to three and slowly move my hands away.

"Oh my god." She rub the painting with her index finger, tears start to foam her eyes. "Where did you get this picture?" She question.

"When I first came to your house, I seen the picture hanging on the wall and it was just stuck in my head since."

"You really drew a picture of my sister and I." She put her hand over her mouth. "I love it." She pick the painting up and hugged it close to her body. "Thank you so much."


Jarvis was very talented, the painting was in 3D, this the closest I ever felt to my sister. "You welcome. It being a long time since I painted, I haven't painted since the death of my son." He said.

"Your talented though, you should really start back painting. I never seen so much talent before, your hands are blessed!" I turn around admiring the rest of his paintings. I came across a painting of a female. "Who is this?" I questioned. I notice how his facial expression changed.

"My wife." He said without a care in the world.

"Wow, she's beautiful." I stared at how happy she was holding her baby bump. "Yeah..."

"You two or very blessed."


If only she really knew, she wouldn't be blabbing about how blessed we are. I hated staring at the picture, just like I hated the way she used me a couple of days ago. I call her one time but Topaz being around to keep my mind off of her. I turn the picture around, if only she knew how blessed I'll be if I had her. I sighed shrugging off the thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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