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One drink, maybe a little bit more than one drink. My head was spinning around in circles, I could have sworn every time I move I seen Joel.

Joel in the kitchen, Joel walking upstairs, Joel playing with his trucks. What is wrong with me? Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I came face to face with Joel.

I kneel down to my knees sobbing as hard as I could. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you."

Not once did the smile disappear off of his face. Instead he walk upstairs to my room, I trail behind him.

The memories strike my head as the sound of thunder shook the empty house. I found myself staring out of the window.

"Dwaddy look at me! I ride bike." He cheered.

I smile as I watch his tiny feet paddle. My phone began to ring, "stay right here Joel." I demand.

I walk away from the sidewalk and answer my phone.
"Can't believe you had the acidity to send me divorce papers at my job." London began to yell.
"Wait what? London what is you talking about?" I ask confused.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Jarvis. What I ever did to you, I thought you love me." I could hear her sobbing into the phone.
"London I swear I didn't send.."

The sound of a car crashing made me drop my phone. I ran over to Joel as fast as I could. He was bleeding out.

"CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!! CALL!!!!" I yelled out as a crowd of people start gathering around me.

I held him into my arms, trying to stop the bleeding. Five seconds later the ambulance was at the scene, rushing Joel inside the truck.

Tears stream down my face as I watch the scenes replay itself from my window.

"JOEL!" I cried out.


I found myself on Jarvis doorsteps, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I knock on the door but no one answers.

The door open a little, the loud cries ring through my ears.

"JARVIS!" I ran up the stairs and into his bedroom to see him cover in tears.

"Are you alright?" I sat beside him.

It was a dum question for me to ask. Stupid me.

He shook his head and I pull him into my warm embrace, rubbing his back gentle. "Everything is going to be okay. Take a deep breath your having a mental breakdown." I assure him.

His sobs raked his body, as he let all his tears out.

I know for a fact if someone is having a mental breakdown it mean they are wiped out, they feel helpless, and lonely.


"Here go your glass of water." I hand it to him.

He was lying in the bed, eyes puffy and red, resting.

"Thank you." He took a sip staring at me awkward. "What?" I chuckle a little.

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