I stood up from the window bench and walked to stand in front of her. I put both my hands on her shoulder. "Mom, I got arrested for drinking and driving from a party one night. I.... got pulled over by the most, obnoxious, young officer ever and he conned me into doing community service. Well...actually you told me I had no other choice but to spend every day with the guy.--- Course in hindsight," I laughed, "I doubt you knew what spending so many nights with him would do but yea, we fell for each other. ---I moved in with him because you decided to pick Sterling, your new husband, over your own daughter even though she told you and had proof shown to you that he was raping me."

Wait, why am I confusing she with me?

Stick to the right pronoun, Maisie.

"Honey, I think you should sit down." She held onto my arms and guiding me to sit back on the window bench. "DOUG I THINK WE NEED TO CALL A DOCTOR!"

"HUH? WHY?" Doug called out from the other room.



"It's true," I mumbled. Well it was until I decided to be the hero for once and looked what it got me. A boring, perfect kind of normal.

I'm not saying I miss the drama that seemed to follow me like the plague in Wake Forest but I miss what I got from those experiences:

A don't repeat kind of attitude. I learned to never go back to what or who broke you.

Courage. I learned that in order to move forward from the things that left me fearful, I had to face those fears. I came back for Sterling and won.

Integrity. This one is still a work in progress because I still find myself wanting to not do the right thing. But---I'm trying to be good and do good. I'm trying to be more honest.

Gratefulness. Even though I didn't live in some mansion that those MASH games had once promised me, I had it really good. I had a home. I had school. I had Imogen, Sierra and Travis. I had a job. And---I got Levi back even if it was only for a short period of time.

Self- Worth: I didn't have much of that in the very beginning. I slept around. I didn't care who I hurt. I thought I was destined to face challenges because that's what I was used to happening. I counted on bad things happening even though I would complain about having to deal with them. Embarrassingly, I even sought the bad things.

Resilience: It's a work in progress but I've come a long way from being that girl who cowers away in fear. I use to be an escape artist, the first sign of danger I'd be out of Wake Forest. I thought that was being resilient. ----Bounce back and fight till you go down trying, that's my new life motto.

Gone Too Soon (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now