Chapter 14

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"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." – unknown.

Mary-Anne sat incredibly close to me as I flipped through the album.

She was taking each photo in.

"Oh my, it's you as a baby!" she beamed as she pointed to the picture. Mary-Anne pulled the photo out from behind the clear plastic cover and flipped it over.

Written in pen on the back of the photo, it read January 98' Baby Maisie sleeping with her favorite stuffed elephant, Lola

Now I understand what she meant when she said she had a descriptive photo album. Grandma Mary- Anne wrote captions for everything on the back of each photo.



The clothing being worn.

Names of people in the photograph.

This might benefit me.

Mary-Anne touched each image as I flipped through the album. Her expression changed from happy to sad each photo we stumbled upon.

There were so many photos of my dad.

---- I'm surprised she kept so many. I can only imagine some of the photos triggering a very sad memory in her life.

She missed the time she could have had with her son.

I was almost nearing the end of the photo album, when a sinking feeling entered my stomach.

I found nothing.

"Do you have another album?" There had to be more photos somewhere.

-----Years worth of memories in an album.

There had to be more.

"No dear. That's all," Mary-Anne sighed heavily, shaking her head.

I stood to leave, disappointed to the extremes when my eyes skimmed over a photo. It wasn't 'the' photo I was looking for, but it was something.

It was the guy from the photo Melody found.

It was a different one, a picture in the park but my dad wasn't in the photo with him.

I was.

Gone Too Soon (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora