Chapter 10: Idioms for Idiots

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"So I got a nice ass?" Kane's condescending smug voice questioned behind Pandora in her ear. She instantly froze at the memory then gingerly held her head as she gave a deadly glare at Phoenix. Pandora then turned around with a tight smile.

"I think you heard wrong, Sweetie," Pandora suggested but Kane sat in Laurel's vacant seat. "Oh god," she sighed lightly in defeat.

"One of the many things I have pride of myself in," Kane began his brag and Pandora rolled her eyes, "is my hearing, and I definitely heard someone say, and I quote," he readied himself with a deep inhale and Pandora nervously covered his mouth.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Pandora hissed and she felt his smirk under her hand. She knew it was his stupid smug smirk. She slowly dropped her hand in hope of Kane's silence. "You can go now," Pandora dismissed but the menace only got comfortable. Pandora sighed and put her attention back to Phoenix and Eve. "So what did you guys do over the weekend after the game?"

"Oh no," Kane quickly butted in, "you're not gonna get off that easy, Sweetheart. Not after you've done this to me two times," he warned and snatched a fry from Pandora's plate. She was too late to smack his hand away, so she groaned.

"Alright... I deserve that," Pandora admitted, "But again, you can go now," she repeated.

Kane heavily sighed as he leaned over on the table, "I don't know... I kind of like this seat. It's closer to the food and the exit..." he listed, "Oh, and of course I get to annoy you." His smug smirk.

"How cute, you want to get close to me," Pandora sarcastically gushed.

"Speaking of which, where's my kiss Sweetheart?" Kane questioned and Pandora let out a ugly laugh.

"Didn't suspect you for a fiend for kisses from me," she teased and tapped Kane's cheek.

"Kissing the girl whose underwear I threw out is a personal achievement," Kane told with his same smirk. Pandora smiled as she slowly flipped him off.

"Fuck off," she honeyed and Kane laughed as he finally stood up.

"I'll see you, Sweetheart," he promised and started his walk to his table.

"I wish it wasn't true," Pandora sighed as she turned to back to her friends.

"You owe Kane a kiss?" Eve questioned as she leaned over the table.

"He said if he won I owed him a kiss for me doubting him," Pandora casually explained as she ate her fries.

"Why weren't we told, you bitch?" Phoenix attacked definitely taking the situation too seriously.

"Because it's not that serious," Pandora argued with an easy shrug.

"What's not that serious?" Laurel asked as she finally reached the table.

"Pan owes Kane a kiss," Eve tattled and Pandora rolled her eyes.

"What happened?" Laurel exclaimed, but had a wide smile.

"I lost a bet," Pandora shrugged again. "I probably won't do it anyway."

"You should do it," Laurel suggested excitedly.

"What? No, Pan, don't," Phoenix ordered and Pandora absentmindedly nodded.

"Don't worry," she coolly assured.

"Don't worry about what?" Alex asked as he sat down at their table.

"Pan lost a bet and has to kiss Kane," Laurel explained and Pandora lazily shrugged at that point as she ate a couple of fries.

"You're so fucking lucky," Alex hissed and Pandora quickly turned to him.

"No, I'm not," she hurriedly denied with disgust laced in her voice. "Do you guys forget I hate that boy?" she worriedly questioned.

Alex shrugged, "You know what they say-"

Pandora waved her hand dismissively, "I don't want to hear it," she lazily interrupted as she leaned on her hand.

"There's a thin line between hate and love," Pandora's friend group somehow all recited in unison.

"Do you guys have a rehearsal before annoying me or is it just second nature?" Pandora rhetorically questioned with her eyes squinted and top lip curled.

"Second nature," Alex happily answered. "Anyway, are you gonna do it?" he eagerly asked.

"Alexander. What do I get to gain from it?" Pandora groaned.

"You get to kiss one of the hottest guys in the school," Phoenix told and Pandora violently gagged.

"Puh-lease," she dismissed with an eye roll.

"Honesty is the best policy," Eve warned and Pandora glared at her.

"Is it fucking Idiom Day or something?" Pandora grumbled as she crossed her arms across her chest. All she could think about was that the people around her were truly her closest friends.

Wow, is it just me or am I getting worse at writing? My bad y'all I swear I'm going to get better because I'm getting to the good parts. Hope y'all enjoyed.
Temporary Riddance

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