"How did you get hurt?" Calix's grip on my hand got a little tighter.

"Just," I paused, "I fell."

"Hmmm~" Killian wasn't convinced, "You fell?" He snorted, "On spikes or claws?"

I froze at his words and my eyes went wide.

"What does that mean?" Calix looked at him.

"He was obviously bullied." He tied his hands behind his head but I looked further down, "But is too embarrassed to say it."

I pursed my lips as I felt humiliation creep up on me, "Ah!" But my lips hurt and bled again

"Mael," Calix had a frown on his face.

"..." I didn't respond.

He sighed, "Come on," He made me stand up with him, "Let's put some ointment there too." He was genuinely worried about me and that made me feel really fuzzy inside

It made me think,

He's a good person...


The kitchen was huge, something you'd expect from a popular inn but the problem was cooking. Almost everyone was back from their hunting trip and had to cook for themselves. In our group, the only person who knew something about cooking was Calix, so while we tried to cut the ingredients he prepared the seasoning.

"Just how do you skin rabbits?" Killian held the two things with their ears and dangled them in the air.

"Just take the skin off with your claws," Eli said.

"Don't spill the blood anywhere!" Calix glared at us, "Do it in the sink."

I remained quiet as I cut the vegetables. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Since the people in my group involved me in everything, it felt nice. I didn't have my binder with me but since my breasts are non-existent wearing a jacket over my shirt did the trick of hiding them.

I looked around the kitchen, everyone was struggling but overall, it did look like all of them were having fun.

I smiled as I kept cutting. Calix was very gentle with me when he took me back to the medical room and applied some ointment, after which he didn't ask me anything about my injury and we started to prepare ourselves for early dinner.

This feels like a school trip.

My heart was full of glee at the thought.

This was one of the things I never had.

"Mael are you done with the veggies?" Calix called out to me.

"Ah!" I snapped back to reality, "Yeah!" I picked them up, "I'll bring them over."

"Wash them first." Calix pointed at the sink where Eli and Killian were busy skinning their hunt

"Okay..." I answered as I got a little shy. I didn't talk to Eli at all after he treated me but I had to wash these veggies so I walked over to the sink. I didn't look at either of them, they didn't bother me either as they kept bickering among themselves about the meat.

It made me giggle a little but I focused on washing the ingredients. I had to bet forward since the sink was huge and the pipes were at the back when suddenly I felt someone's gaze on me. I shot my head towards the other two and noticed Eli looking at my butt.

A blush crept on my face because even when he noticed I saw him, he didn't show any remorse and only passed me a smirk.

Fuck you, Eli!

You pervert!!

I scoffed and took the clean veggies over to Calix who began to saute them. I stood by his side watching him but my mind was somehow getting drawn to Eli who had started the skinning.


I shyly looked away.

The door banged open out of the blue making everyone look at the entrance.

Mr. Owen made his entry into the kitchen,

His face was pale and his eyes wide, he scanned the room looking for someone but whoever it was, he didn't find them. After which his frown deepened.

"Everyone," He announced, "Has anyone seen Horis, Harry, Wendy, or Angeli?"

My heart dropped at those names and I felt myself blench a little.

"Why?' The students asked, "Is something wrong?'

The teacher gulped, unsure if he should answer us or not but in the end, he sighed.

"The search team can't find them." He massaged his temples and my heart began to skip beats, "Plus they found some blood near the river."

There were several gasps in the room but the way my eyes went wide could not be compared. I turned my head to look at Eli, the person who was last with the four, the culprit behind the blood there, but he wasn't fazed at all. There wasn't a hint of fear or remorse on his face and he didn't even look at me. He calmly stared back at the teacher.

"No one?" Mr. Owen asked and everyone just shook their heads. He let out an exasperated sigh, "If none of you know anything then it's safe to say they've gone missing."

At his words, I felt my stomach churn.

Just what did Eli do?

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now