Under The Weather- Part 1

Start from the beginning

She had her head buried in her arms when she felt a droplet of water on her bare neck. She looked up and another fell on the tip of her nose. Well, Shit.

Soon, the droplets started increasing and it soon gained force. Huge rain droplets were pelting onto her shoulders and she swore at the fates for being merciless. Of all the times the weather forecasts predicted right, this was the worst. 

Thunder bellowed loud and clear. She flinched lightly when a clear crack of lightning struck far away in front of her. Her light-fabric top was drenched and her hair was dripping with water. She loosened her hair from the bun and felt thankful for her hair for at least partially covering her cold arms.

Kira didn't know how long she sat like an idiot in the cold rain but she was sure it was way over an hour or two. Her head was cradled in between her knees and arms and her eyes were shut from exhaustion. Her body had gotten tired of providing warmth and she just sat there, numb to the cold.

She felt the movement of light through her closed eyelids and sighed again, thinking that it was lightning. Suddenly, she felt odd as the sensation of water hitting her back was no more. The voice of the rain was subdued as the water hit a surface closer to her. She looked up to find a face she was dreading to see.

Taehyung was kneeling next to her with an umbrella held out. His expression was unreadable and he stared at her coldly.

"Get up." He said.

"I can't." Kira croaked. "I have to complete my penalty."

"Get up and stop acting dumb before I regret doing something."

She shook her head.

"Kira." He said. She flinched a little at that. He always called her Minjee. He never called her Kira unless he wanted to tease her which clearly didn't look like the case now.

"Get. Up." He said enunciating each word through gritted teeth. His stubbornness doubled her own and Kira got up, partially thankful for his stern self. She finally had an excuse that wouldn't make her look like a coward.

When his hands touched her arms, she shivered violently. It was as if her body got kick-started with a jolt of electricity from his warm touch; her body finally remembering what coldness felt like.

His arms were wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her close. Her drenched clothes struck a deep contrast to his posh, warm suit. Her body felt weird going from ice cold rain to the warm cosiness of the mansion.

Without a word, they walked into his room. Kira couldn't help but be all too aware of the thin wet cloth sticking stubbornly to her body. He ran some switches on in the bathroom and curtly informed that the shower had hot water.

She nodded reluctantly and shut the door behind her. She slipped out of her wet clothes and worked on the knobs, letting the hot shower soothe her body. Kira stood there for a long time, mainly to avoid the wrath of a fuming Taehyung. She still wasn't exactly sure what he was angry about.

Wrapping the huge towel around her, she rummaged through her bag. Sure enough, she found a pair of neat underwear, t-shirt and pants. Years of experience had always taught Kira to be prepared for the tournament. She got out of the bathroom to find a new warm sweater folded neatly on the bed. Assuming it was for her; she shrugged it on and felt much better as the warmth engulfed her.

She could hear muffled voices outside the room and curiosity got the best of her. She tip-toed out of the room and stepped silently into the hallway as she peeked in through the slightly ajar door. She could make out the faint figures of Jungkook and Taehyung, caught up in a heated conversation.

Signs of sleep were written all over the younger one but his eyes were wide in alarm. Despite Jungkook being slightly taller than Taehyung, was cowering in front of the latter. Kira could catch words in between: Stupid game, know better, rain, sick, dumb-head... She heard enough to understand that Taehyung had been lecturing Jungkook. Even though it wasn't his fault, Kira smirked. Serves him right for winning so arrogantly.

There was an unnatural look of fear in Jungkook's face as he apologised, his eyes wandered for a second to meet the peeping Kira. Seeing the conversation had come to an abrupt end, Kira dashed back into the room.

Taehyung entered the room with that same cold expression, eying Kira as she sat casually on the bed.

"Weren't you supposed to be away until tomorrow?" Kira asked.

"I came back early." He said crisply, pointing out the obvious. He sauntered over to her and pressed his hand to her forehead. He flinched at the sudden heat and swore under his breath.

"You're sick." He said sharply.

"No I am not." She said. As if to prove herself wrong, she sneezed repeatedly.

"You're sick." He repeated again, the fiery look back in his eyes.

This time, Kira remained silent. He took a capsule from the medicine cabinet and thrust a glass of water along with it. Kira took it without hesitation. She watched as he paced around the room as if trying to fix a puzzle in his head. Soon, he walked out of the room and she could hear his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

She sighed to herself and curled up into the bed, her body suddenly aware of its exhaustion. It reminded her once again of his lingering scent and she immediately felt drowsy. It didn't take her long before she completely blacked out, the medicine taking control over her body. 

A/N: I am trying really hard but the writer's block seems to be fond of me a little too much. It's been ages since I've wrote a proper chapter and it is honestly a little frustrating. So, I apologize for the late update. Bear with me, won't you? :) 

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