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Devin POV

A few weeks since the reopening of the bar

Even though it weeks since we opened we are still packed and training more staff to boot. The older building could not be saved not even the wall remained standing but now bits and pieces are framed all around the bar and there is a new wall with patches of fresh ink already on it.

One girl has caught not only my attention but also the attention of the O'Hara brothers. She came in battered, bruised, and begging for a cash paid job. From her shaky figure and jumpy reaction to loud noises, I knew why or could at least speculate. I gave her a job on the spot including a place to stay.

Come to find out there was a two room rustic cabin hidden amongst the tall grass. But now healed up at least physically, mentally though it might just take four stubborn, hardheaded men that are built like tanks to heal the wounds one couldn't see.

The brothers are all sitting at the bar facing the crowded room watching her as she scurries from table top to table top.

As Kinsey turns from one particular table top filled with rowdy guys from the steel plant to another one filled with a group of working mom's enjoying their one night off a month. They are regulars and cause no problems just wanting to be left alone at least until they need another round.

Laughter rings out.

One of the steel workers put out his foot directly in her path. I know what's about to happen but from across the room and stuck behind the bar there isn't much I can do so I yell.

"O'Hara!" all four look up from their end of the bar, opposite mine and much closer to Kinsey. I nod my head towards her letting them know they do need to step in. when we look back the scene is unfolding like I thought is would.

One trips her and another "catches" her all for her benefit, of course. Kinsey on the other hand is trying to stay as far away from his body as possible but given the circumstances it is not very far and as he tightens his arms pulling her in closer I hear the thud of a bar stool hitting the wooden floor.

I look over thinking I have to jump over the bar to stop Westin from pounding the group of guys to a bloody pulp but instead I find Fletcher covering the ground between their two places.

Rage all over his face it surprises me as he is the logical one of the group but I guess it shouldn't have considering they are digging themselves the same hole Wyatt, Sawyer and I did.

Speaking of the princess I feel soft hands close around my waist and a cool kiss covers my over heated neck.

Keeping a hold of her hands, I spin so I can see my beautiful, glowing princess. Laying a kiss on her forehead I say to her, "the O'Hara brothers as gonna break your bar if I don't get back out there and stop them from beating that group of idiots."

She leans around me, "It looks like Berkeley is keeping them under control and since you have nothing else to do you can step in the back room with me and help me with the inventory it seems to be a problem for my addled brain."

I eye her and turn back to the bar to see what she meant by nothing else to do, another bartender has stepped in and is currently filling orders as we speak.

"If you so command boss lady." And I  let her lead me out of the main bar and to the back room.

Once I am standing in the middle of the perfectly organized room she slips her hand from mine to close and lock the door.

When did that door get a lock, I ask my self as I watch her. my raised eyebrows must clue her into my question, "Oh I had Sawyer install that today right before we opened. We kept getting caught."

"You. . . . kept getting caught! Doing what exactly?" I know but its fun to see her blush as she attempt to explain.

"Well we were. . .  and they walked in. Thankfully Sawyer had his back to the door but that waitress got an eyeful and ran off leaving the door wide open. Sawyer was not happy and neither was Wyatt when he showed up. Anyways Sawyer said if we were going to do that again there would be a lock on the door. Then I walked in today to see him installing them so I figured I'd put it to the test." She beams one of her 'I'm innocent' smiles at me trying to get out of what I asked her.

"what sort of test? I mean I though you needed my help with inventory, hmm?"

"Did I say inventory I meant lock test. Sorry for the confusion." She says as her arms wrap around my neck her face moving ever closer to my neck an attempt to distract me no doubt.

"Oh a test for the locks" playing stupid making her temper flare and its just to cute when she gets a bee in her bonnet.

"Yes a test for the locks."  She says while doing a damn fine impression of a genie, still oblivious to my ploy.

"So I should be on the other side if we are testing the locks." I pull away from her tight embrace spinning to unlock the door.  It's at a half turn when she jerks me by my shirt, bringing me down to her, nose to nose.

"You sir are being a jackass, you know exactly how we," she flicks her index finger between us, "are going to test that brand new lock."

"Oh yeah?" I ask as I grab her by her thighs lifting her up and putting her up against the wall opposite of the door.

She quickly divest me of my shirt and just as I am about to completely ruin hers the handle jiggles but stays shut, on the persons next attempt the lock gives and the door opens.

A quiet "not again," comes from my princess mouth as the other two of our quad discovers us.

"Oh sugar, Sawyer put the lock on the door so this, no one else would walk in on us, wouldn't happen again."  We all chuckle.

I did I swear I did but . . . '" her stammering and blush while looking around the room for help and of course her eyes land on me. "Devin messed with it causing it to not work. I was using it for its intended purposes to keep this from happening.  Its all Devin's fault."

"Oh darling you are gonna keep us on our toes aren't you?"

"For forever and a day."  She says matter of factly.

Forever and a day don't seem like nearly enough time.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt