Chapter 6

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            The door easily moves with little force and the night air surrounds me. I need to get out of here.

I'll deal with stupid later.

The promise of the new challenge and my new job is all that I need right now.

I walk to my red and white bronco, not paying attention to where I am really going..

Lights shine in my eyes and the noise of squealing brakes fills my ears. I look up to see a jacked up older model Chevy. The door opens and slams shut. I can hear the stomp of hard footsteps.

"What in the . . . . . , "the mans tone starts off harsh then turns worried. "Hey you, are you okay?"

with my hand up, shielding, my eyes I cannot see who is talking to me but he seems nice, at least he stopped and didn't honk.

The footsteps fade and the light go out. Now the only illumination is coming form the light pole a few cars away. Now that I am not blinded, I can see the outline of the man and as he walks closer I recognize him as well. He was the third man of the trio from the bar.

He is taller than then others well over 6'2" his outline is sleek but well defined muscles are clearly on display. A tanned hand, with long fingers, reaches out to gently grab my hand holding me steady as I wobble back and forth on the edge of a hole in the parking lot.

"Thank you. Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I falter in my response.

His hands are tough but smooth his large hands wrap around my wrist.

"no I'm sorry. And I am sorry about Devin. He can be a be it of a jerk sometimes." He nods his head to the bar making an indication of who Devin is.

so I assume Devin is the a-hole good to know for later.

"I'm Sawyer by the way."

"Delaney, and the Jerk you kindly refer to as Devin might need to be pulled of the bartender."

He stands stunned. I can't help the smile that plays along my face.

Got another one.

My truck gets closer as the bar gets further away.

"I was being serious about saving your friend. You really need to save him from Devin. I may have told him something that wasn't true so I could make my escape." I yell as reach my truck, feeling bad for throwing him underneath the bus.

The end of today brings Tomorrow and starts a new day with new worries.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now