Chapter 24

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Sawyer's POV

I stand at the door with my phone through the crack of the door recording Del's and Wyatt's exchange. She is breaking because she thinks the worst the nurses are called and have to give her medicine to settle her down.

It breaks my heart to see the amount of pain she is going through all because of Devin and his stupid hang-ups.

Jack couldn't get him to see things correctly and now Wyatt is going to try which I know will end in bruised knuckles & black and blue bodies. Neither of us have left the hospital other than to grab a new set of clothes but then we rush right back.

Twenty minutes after he left he calls, "his shit is gone from the house I need you to meet me at the bar and restrain me from killing his ass, if he is doing what I think he is doing."

There is really not much choice but to go . I answer in the affirmative and hang up before stepping away from Del who is sleeping peacefully in her hospital bed.

I spot Jack in the waiting room His patience with Devin almost non-existent too.

"Hey I gotta go meet Sawyer to deal with something we should be back before she wakes up." Whether visiting Del or actually having a bed ourselves is up in the air, "Will you sit with her until at least one of us gets back?" My tone staying neutral trying to bank my anger to make sure I expend it on the person who caused it, Devin, the ass-hat.

I step back into her room to say goodbye with a kiss to her forehead and then I'm off to deal with my brothers.

The entire drive I question what and why he could be doing but as usual there is no rhyme or reason to anything Devin does because he is all action and no thought.

He rarely thinks about what he does or says and how it may come across to others especially those that don't know him all that well.

FUCK Devin why cant you just say sorry like the rest of the male population, grovel and beg and then get great make-up sex? Oh that's right because its Devin and he is never normal.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now