Chapter 25

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Wyatt's POV

I am tired of his shit. She cant take much more of this, Sawyer text me letting me know they finally had to sedate her to get her to calm down.

I arrive at the bar to see it whole and then some. Is this what he has been working on? But why, why not wait until all of us could do it together?

When I turn my gaze from the bar to the surrounding area I find why, his truck is packed down with everything he owns, truck bed overflowing with everything out of our house it looks like.

He is leaving- her, me, and Sawyer.

That bastard!

I start moving towards the front doors of the bar to find him, beat his ass to a pulp, take him to the hospital, and then to Sug's room so she can see he isn't dead then I will kill him to make myself feel better.

When there is less than fifty feet between me and the door a familiar truck pulls up almost hitting me. "What the FUCK, man? You trying to kill me?" I shout as Sawyer, his truck between me and the bar.

"I know what it looks like, man but lets give him a chance then we can beat him; but only after he's alive, an asshole, but an alive asshole, okay?"

I reluctantly nod in the affirmative, "Yea listen to his excuses, give him an escort to the hospital to see Delaney then beat him. I gotcha."

As we are talking he decides now tis the time to exit the bar but he isn't expecting us so he stops just before the porch stops and stares at us. Not saying or giving anything away, a minute then two pass with no words exchanged.

He takes that opportunity to head towards his truck, his out.


He stares at me as I unload the last week of anger and stress, anger at him, at the fires, at her old boss, at the fact that nothing has been simple this entire relationship even though it should be because I love her and I know the others do too and we agreed to share a long time ago because we knew where one failed another would succeed.

He doesn't respond, he stands there blinking back at us as if we are speaking another language. It's not right that he has not gone through the last few days like Sawyer and I but I want him to, so I hit low, right where it will hurts.

"SHE thinks YOU are DEAD. She thinks the reason none of us have mentioned you or the reason why you haven't visited is because you are DEAD. She is beside herself thinking that it's all her fault that you are not alive. I mean for god's sake they had to sedate her after it finally set in that you weren't showing up and it might be permanent. She LOVES you, despite your asshole-ish ways, I can't understand why but she does." I am in tears by the time i finish, me a big burly man in tears over the hurt his woman is facing. HELL yes! Over the fact that right at this moment there is nothing I can do to fix it because it is not within my power to fix it, but it's within his.

"You can't just leave, you have to see her. Then we'll sleep on it and will not make any decisions before then." Sawyer, the voice of reason for once in this fucked up situation suggests.

He still stands there stonic and unmoving "You want proof, fine! Sawyer you were there, with your phone, right? You took video of the whole thing, yeah?"

"Yeah all the way until after the nurses left." He says reaching for his phone. He messes with it for a second and then stocks over to Devin and shoves it in front of his face.

The volume is not loud but in the open air it rings out, her voice, her pain, her panic, that the man she adores is gone and she feels it like its all her fault.

As the video progresses his emotions start to show, sadness morphs to regret then to pain and self loathing. All because he can't see what was right in front of him.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now