Chapter 15

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Sawyer's POV

Bursts of laughter reach us as we finish up breakfast. As soon as soon as the last piece of food is off the burners everything is shut off , don't want a repeat of what happen last time and rush off to the booming noise.

What I find when I round the corner to Wyatt's room is Wyatt on his knees clutching his sides with both hands and Delaney with her arms crossed  over her chest glaring at my friend who is making a fool of himself but I don't mind if he does because with her arms crossed over her chest like that makes the view very nice

"Darling, you don't want to stay mad at him but you can sure keep standing like that" my comment draws the attention of the other two in  the room but her face turns red and her arms drop.

"Damn it Wyatt this, " she yells as she gestures to her current state of undress, "is your fault. She finishes her statement with her finger pointed right in his face.

Me, I can't help but laugh at the scene these two are making.

Devin asks the obvious question, "what the hell is going on?"

Wyatt being the only one that can provide any sort of concise retelling of the events leading up to her in Wyatt's room, bed, and clothes.

"Just reminding Del of her stripping performance last night as I tired to get her to my room."

Three distinct voices react to his statement. Mine in anger, Devin's is out of rage and the last one is a shrill of disbelief.

"I did no such thing!" She stutters trying to compose herself.

"Yes you did. It started out with your panty house in the truck on the way over here. Your heels were already off from back at the bar then there was your blazer when we walked through the front door. Your skirt you took off in the hallway and right before jumping into my bed your blouse covered my face quickly followed by your bra. Which you complained about not being comfy, your word not mine, said it was poking you and then the covers were over you and you shifted around until you had one leg over the covers the rest of you hidden under the blankets."  He ends his retelling of the story by pointing in the direction of his bed and the scattered clothing all over his room.

Her emotions clearly displayed on her face shift as Wyatt can no longer contain his laughter and Devin just has a scowl on his face. Me, I watch her morph from confident pissed off woman from a few nights ago to a defeated woman in need of comforting. I may like a lot of girls but I can't stand to see a woman in tears.

I elbow Wyatt as I pass him and his impression of a hyena stops. She stands there with one hand holding her elbow while the other one is limp at her side. her eyes are down cast and brimming with tears her lip between her teeth trying to disappear into the floor.

My steps shorten the closer I get closer to her. I hold out one hand trying to get her to come to me of her own free will.

"Darling, you wanna tell me what lead up to Wyatt having to drag your drunken self to our house and contain the tornado that is a drunken Delaney?" I feel her tense under my arms at the mention of yesterday.


"you need to tell them, Sugar."

"Hush Wyatt, if she wants to tell me she can if not that's ok too," I silence his words with my reprimand.

"No I need to but you'll hate me and Devin will throw me out all together steal the bar and then I'll really have no place."



"We wouldn't land I wouldn't let him." I answer for all of us.

A sigh passes her lips, "Last night after what happen I drove to the bar and wanted to clean its what I do when I feel stressed or pissed off. Well I turned the music on and it was a depressing song so liquor looked good too, so I grabbed a bottle of that and sat down to go through the boxes. I was drunk off my ass with a bottle and a half in to my own pity party when Wyatt found me. But what caused my little melt down is yesterday on my first day on the job was my boss tried to black mail me into sleeping with him."

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