Chapter 17

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One picnic basket, a borrowed shirt, and a trip to my bronco later we are out the door and on our way to this mysterious but perfect picnic spot that only Wyatt and Sawyer know of. I can tell by the skeptical look on Devin's face that this is all a big ploy to get Devin and I to make up but I swear if they leave the two of us out hear, alone, one of us will not survive and I wont be the one dies.

"Oh, Here we are.!" Wyatt exclaims from the passenger seat.

I eye the surrounding empty field. Yea okay. "Are y'all sure this is the place?" I ask giving them a chance to state their true purpose in organizing this trip.

"Not good enough for you, princess?" Devin asks smugness evident in his tone.

"Okay you know what you can take your words and shove the...," I am stopped mid-rant by a large calloused hand. I follow that hand up his arm and find Wyatt staring at me disapprovingly. I shrug my shoulders he knows that we don't like each other yet him and Sawyer both have it in their heads that we can get along.

I close my mouth in an effort to at least act like I can be good, luring him into a false sense of security, making him drop his hand. After one final stern look he lowers his hand only for me to stick my tongue out at all three of them. he quickly covers my mouth back up, getting licked for his efforts.

"Let's get our picnic on!" Sawyer cutting the tension, nicely.

Between Sawyer and Wyatt the blankets are set out as well as the food.

"Drinks, forgot the drinks in the truck," Sawyer states before rushing to the truck to retrieve the drinks.

"Hey, the plates.....never mind he can't hear me. I'll be right back have to get the plates and forks." He holds up one finger on each hand making a stay motion before following Sawyer hasty departure to the truck not ten feet away.

The cranking of the truck startles me out of my musing. Devin rushes towards the truck but the spray of dirt rocks and grass causes him to shield his eyes, stopping his progress to the rapidly disappearing truck.

I plop back down on the blanket and look over what was packed in the basket. Finger foods like sandwiches, cut cucumbers, carrots, even little containers of ranch. I dig in and enjoy what is there and look further in the basket for what else could be here. I find bottles of water and even plates at the bottom.

Those rats planned this but I'll enjoy the packed lunch before getting mad. They'll be back soon......ish., I hope. Not sure how long I can last with Mr. Doom and Gloom over there.

While I am munching on the veggies I watch Devin storm around in the turned ground stomping and cussing out his friends.

I laugh, catching the attention of the riled bartender / manager.

"you think this is fun? Them leaving us out here for who know how long."

"One, they planned this. Two, they will be back to pick us up sooner or later. Believe it or not this is a nice complete picnic basket over here. Even if you don't I plan to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the delicious lunch and maybe a nap while I wait for them to come back. I sigh and go back to eating the picnic.

A grunt and a huff from the grumpy bear somehow invites me to extend a hand of courtesy though, " you are more than welcome to sit and share with me," his huff of indignation says he wishes otherwise, "or you can walk to the nearest road and hitchhike your way back to the house."

His slow progress towards the laid out blanket sates his intensions so I go back to eating.

"You are such a spoiled princess, aren't you?" He asks with disdain dripping from his words.

"I have never been spoiled nor have I ever been treated like a princess by any one. And if you don't want to dehydrate I would be nicer to the girl who holds all the water."

"like a delicate little girl like you could hold me back if I really wanted to take the water ......or any thing else for that matter." His tone suggestive and I cringe remembering yesterday when I was a hundred miles from this place.

No I am not there and Devin isn't Mr. Needleman, a jackass yes but not a sick perv.... Or is he?

The girls flock to him to gain his attention I imagine he is just as bad as Sawyer but instead of a playboy he is a bad boy. He may not use his position to get what he wants but I can imagine he uses other means.

"You are just like him, " and cue filter failure, his face changes from fury to confusion to out right rage. "You want what you want and you don't care if the other person says no. You don't care how the other person feels or what she has been through, you only care about your needs not getting met."

"Fine! I give, you win loss the bar keep your friends, I'll leave." I walk off towards where the truck disappeared and over my shoulder I call out to him, " I wasn't handed anything. I had to work for everything including my parents praise. No matter what i did, nothing was good enough. I wasn't good enough, not even for my boyfriend of two years. No everyone including him picked my little sister, that was made evident the day they choose to host her rehearsal dinner at the same time as my graduation. So whatever preconceived notions you had of me are way off. I have never been spoiled and never has anyone treated me as their princess." With that last parting remark i tune him out and start running down the make shift road away from the only chance i ever wanted at love and something of my own that no one could take away from me. Or so I thought.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now