Chapter 4

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Seven pairs of eyes turn to me and look at my dress before traveling back up to my face. I stare down the one who voiced his opinion vehemently.

I understand I am a stranger but they could at least keep their judging discrete. I open my mouth to ask my question but the vexed dark blonde hair man interrupts me.

"Why don't you go back to your drink or better yet leave, princess."

I fume turning red in anger. Here I am trying to save his butt and he wants to be a jerk.

"I would but y'all are in my chair and are taking up the entire bar." He stares at me like I haven't said anything at all. I almost want to stomp my foot but I refrain not wanting to be childish as well.

"FINE!" I turn walking towards the door while calling over my shoulder, "Just wanted the number of the owner thought I'd make him an offer but if you can't see past my princess façade to knight in shinning armour layer I'll just be on my way."

I teeter on my high heels walking to the front door and on my way to my prized possession. Five seconds after the door closes I can hear faint hollers and shuffling of feet. I ignore them though and continue to my restored bronco. Gotta love the oldies

I have my hand on the door handle when, "wait Hold on!" rings out through the black night.

"Wait, princess."

I open my door at the insult, not wanting to hear anything else he has to say. With one foot inside and the other on the running board I lift myself into my truck and with one hand on the steering wheel to keep me in the vehicle I pull on the door handle with the other to shut it. Its inches from closing when another hand grabs the door from outside, I am tempted to slam the door with his hand there. but I don't and let go so he can pull the door open.

"Hey ok I was an ass but wouldn't you in my place?" he looks at me pleading for understanding, but getting none.

"No because I wouldn't take it out on random people. I'd get back at the one causing it." I don't know the look on my face, I never do, but I know its one of anger or questioning his I.Q..

He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, "I know I am an ass, okay?"

"I know this and you are admitting it, good but that doesn't change your actions. Now I am leaving unless there is something else," waiting for him to give me a reason to actually stay.

"Did you really mean you would make an offer on this place?" He quizzes me on my earlier offer.

I let him sweat it for a minute or two while I look around. A little ways behind him stands the flirt from behind the bar and another man, the other one from their group. I stare at them while I answer his query.

"Yes, I want to buy The Lost Cause Bar and my name is Delaney, not princess." The other smile at my positive answer, giving away that my voice did carry to them. I overlook the one in front of me.

I pull my keys out of the ignition and make to exit the vehicle except the nuisance is still there.

"This would move a lot faster if you moved so we could head in to make the call." He stumbles back and out of his shock allowing me by.

I motion for him to show me the way to the office to privately call the man that owns the bar, at least for now.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now