Chapter 9

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After the debacle of this past weekend my first day at my new accounting job doesn't seem so daunting. I think to myself as I look at the tall building that reaches up  and joins the rank of the other big businesses in Pasadena's little business district.

            Ok maybe it prepared my patience for today I think back over meeting Sawyer and flirting with him, Devin and his conceit, and Wyatt with his easy pgoing country nature.

            No, No focus on work.

            I sigh they haven't left my thoughts since I abruptly left Sunday afternoon.

            I sigh once more before walking through the automatic glass doors. Taking in the simple yet highly polished deco I search for the front desk. My first stop before going to Human Resources so I can get badged and paperwork done. The receptionist sent  me up to level 12.

            The badging process is much like getting your liscense at the DMV. The photo is washed out the lighting is horrible and the people, well they just love their job. But one lady is actually pleasant and makes an attempt at conversation between tasks and people entering and exiting her office. She is one she gives me directions up to the 20th floor, where my office is located.

I take the elevator up, the small box filling and emptying as we go up. When the box reaches the 20th floor a man in his early 40's stands at the door looking at his watch, waiting. His foot taps impatiently as he looks up to scan the few who just arrive on this floor.

            His demeanor changes when he sees me. his stance  of annoyance shifts to one of power, importance, and confidence, all good qualities for a man in his position.

            " Miss Whitmore?" the gentleman asks with an outstretched hand ready for a handshake.

            "yes, Mr. Needleman?" at his nod I continue, "nice to meet you," and put my hand in  his to shake. 

His grip is tight at first but turns light, " Yes . . . . . nice to meet you in person." His eyes leave mine for a moment and look down. "very nice," he mutters under his breath almost inaudible. "Please follow me, I'll give you a tour of your department, then we'll meet in the conference room to go over the details of your position."

His tone is informative but I can feel the ilk behind his words.

I barely hold back a shiver.

His left arm outstretched indicating the hallway and his right hand behind me on the middle of my back almost pushing me towards our destination.

I step to the side, "Lead the way, please."

Walking behind a man is never a favorite of mine but this one time I think I will swallow my pride, it's the better option right now.

Mr. Needleman's hands drop to his sides. I can see his knuckle turn red then white as he clenches them tighter. "this way then." He says through gritted teeth and almost stomps off in a fit.

The tour is brief and to the point, which ends up feeling rushed. He takes up through the break room, past the grouping of cubicle of the entry level accountants, past a few office of the supervisors and higher accountants.

The conference room looms ahead. The closer we get the bigger and quicker his steps are.

When he opens the door he stands by the knob of the open door. I enter and take a seat closer to the door, unease by his eagerness and the shutting of the door.

I set my bag at my feet but draw out a notebook and a pen before righting myself to find Mr. Needleman close on my left.

"The job you were originally hired for is no longer available but I have a more tempting offer."

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now