Broken Dreams

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A/N: Alex Daddario with dark hair and shorter in statue is basically Beatrice.

Seeing the Unseen Chapter One:

"Broken Dreams"

Sneezing from the cold, I looked around my surroundings as I made my way towards my home. I had stayed to drop flowers off at the cemetery later than I had originally anticipated, the sun already long gone when I took my leave, so I decided to take a shortcut. However, I came to question my judgment as I looked around the foreboding woods, eerie and uncharacteristically silent. Pulling a cool metal rectangle out of my back pocket, I quickly dialed the only number I could think of at this god forsaken hour.

"Carly," I stretched my arms out as I walked through the woods, situating my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I walked through the desolate woods, the leaves crunching underneath me as my eyes scanned the perimeter.

"Y-You know, most people say hello or some other simple greeting when they call someone, Bea," Carly's voice was slipping between octaves as she tried her best to stay awake, her speech patterns even shakier when she was tired, "...I was s-sleeping. You woke me up... T-This better be important."

I pulled my jacket on tighter as I exhaled deeply, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry that I woke you up, Carl. It's just... you know how I feel about walking home at this hour."

"W-Woah!" Carly was now very much awake and frightened, her voice a loud whisper rather than her usual soft spoken, timid demeanor. "Y-You're going home n-now?! ...It's two in the m-morning, Bea..."

I sighed loudly. "I'm fine. I can take care of myself. I just like to be on the phone so if something was to happen, I'd have a witness."

Carly went silent for a split second, "...How close are you...?"

I thought a bit before replying, "Honestly, I don't even fucking know anymore. I'm kind of lost."

"Y-You're lying... Please tell me you're l-lying..."

"I know, what a cliché," I carefully stepped over a fallen sapling, "getting lost in the woods at night, a girl all alone."

"S-So are you lost or no...?"

I adjusted my glasses before laughing. "Of course not. I'm about ten minutes away. I'm not that much of a ditz, Carl."

"Goodness, B-Bea, scared me," Carly whined.

"You're such a pussy. I bet you're scared of your own shadow," I laughed.

Carly took a while to reply, momentarily taken aback by my language, "N-No, Beatrice, I'm not afraid of my own shadow."

"Nah, you're just terrified of the dark," I teased.

"I'm not a-afraid of the dark," Carly retorted, "...I'm just afraid of what's in the d-dark."

Before I had a chance to reply, my phone beeped. I pulled the device away from my face in order inspect it to find the source of the issue. The battery was at one percent.

"Weird. I could've sworn that I had charged it before I left."

"Your phone is d-dying?" Carly asked.

"Sadly. It's tragic, but yes," I replied. "Imma have to go, Carly."

"Goodbye, Beatrice, stay safe," Carly yawned.

"A bientot."

My phone died right after I hung up. I silently muttered a few choice words, tripping over a branch and falling to the soggy ground. Sitting up, I massaged my temples, only to find that my glasses were missing.

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