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March 22, 2018 {THURSDAY}

Philippines Current Time: 11:09am

Dear Diary,

I just finished writing what happened yesterday awhile ago...

And I am currently writing this in the Mall.

I am writing my diary this early because I know nothing will mostly happen today.

Well today is the farewell party of my brother...

Angelo and I are fine...

I don't know what to say right now...

I will just write this while walking...

Okay, so we are going to eat later somewhere...

On Sunday there is this BTS fan gathering at SkyDome and I wish it was today because I am allowed to... ughhh shad laifu

And there is also a museum? I think yun yung tawag... of Jungkook! 

I wish I can go costs 500pesos in dollars it would be $10...

I am so bored, I think your also bored well that is my laif boring...


Well that is all for today! Hope you have a fun one rather than mine...

Current Time: 11:14am



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