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March 06, 2018 {TUESDAY}

Philippines Current Time: 11:38am

Dear Diary,

Kakatapos ko lang isulat yung kahapon hehe.

So today was the 2nd day of exam. (Mageenglish speaking muna tayo ngayon)

Today's exam was Math and Hele.

I was confident for hele cush i really studied hard.

In math i was a little bit nervous.

So I arrived at school 7:45 which means I am late.

Before we did the exam teacher announced our sibika scores. 7 failed 10 passed. I scored 79/85 which is the highest. Gus scored the same so were the highest. Yeyyy

The hele test was pretty easy I finished for only 30mins.

I was glancing to Angelo (I am just gonna call him by his name)

And then he was ahead of me which is fine for me I mean It's still early to finish the test.

He finished first I was second. We waited for 30mins.

We were just tapping our foot and fingers on our table. And just checking our answers. I was pretty confident. 

It was too long so I drew a bunny because I remebered my jungkookie. I wrote at the backside of my test paper" J-KOOKIE" and "Mrs.Jeon".

\\\\\\\\\10mins later//////////

Thank  goodness, teacher said to us to pass our test yeyy.

I didn't leave any blank so that's good.

After hele we did the math test.

I browsed the exam and it was easy when I looked at it.

The first part was easy second part was tricky cush there is no way 23 is equal.

3rd part was easy its about rate. 4th was easy its just fill in the blanks.

The 5th part might be the hard one I think. I did a good job we just have to know the degrees of an angle. 

Thanks for the tip Iah: "I-analyze mo kasi" na motivate ako so I understood.

The last part was drawing the assigned drawing. Like triangles, parallelograms,etc.

I overtimed because I was studying my answers making sure if I am correct. Not really but I passed it already to teach. Well I didn't got a wrong thing I did.

Angelo was already done he passed it already. Goodjob for him.

So after we've done the test I went home.

So now I updated my diary. Thank goodness kuya let me borrowed his phone again. He is playing 2k18 rn.

I think that's all for today, later I am planning to just read a book and sleep. And just study tomorrow because its home review day.

I am eager to read chap 4 of "Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Ship of the Dead" by: Rick Riordan.

Current time: 11:59am


Sofia Andres/ Mrs.Jeon

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