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March 30, 2018 {FRIDAY}

Philippines Current Time: 8:22pm

Dear Diary,

Today was... hmm I don't really know.

I'm still in Cavite. Blah blah blah

I woke up 6am but slept again and woke up 9am. Nice right?

Then we ate breakfast. Sunny-side up eggs and longganisa. Then I took a bath.

Today is Holy Friday. The day Jesus Died.




Today was a no gadgets day, but broke the rule after 3pm. 

We pretty much just slacked off. We just watched movies in Ifilx and Netflix in TV. We watched the stories and the adventures of Jesus on Netflix.

We were pretty much just in the room, on the bed, watching all day. And eating Mcdo.

That was just it. Typical Vacation. So I am comfortably laying on the bed with my cousin. I already took a bath. So I can do whatever I want. Yeshhh!

Well, that's all for today.




Ga~ ah ah ah

Current Time: 8:28pm



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